
1st ITG Workshop on IT Security (ITSec)

2.4.2020 at the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Due to the Corona crisis, KuVS FG NetSoft (31.3/1.4.2020) and ITG ITSec (2./3.4.2020) have been converted into online workshops (1.-3.4.2020). Please notice the changed programs!


Thursday, 2nd April

14.00 Welcome (Prof. Dr. Michael Menth, Uni Tübingen & Matthias Deeg, Syss GmbH)

14.10-15.30 Performance & Deployment (Chair: Dr. Roland Bless, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

14.10 Performance Comparison of VPN Solutions (Slides)
  Lukas Osswald and Marco Häberle and Michael Menth (University of Tuebingen)
14.30 Evaluation of the Deployment-Status of RPKI and Route Filtering
  Johannes Deger and Frank Kargl (Institute of Distributed Systems, Ulm University)
14.50 LIGHTest: Lightweight Infrastructure for Global and Heterogeneous Trust Management (Slides)
  Heiko Roßnagel1 and Sven Wagner2 (Frauenhofer IAO1, University of Stuttgart2)
15.10 Assessing the Security of OPC UA Deployments (Slides)
  Linus Roepert1 and Markus Dahlmanns1 and Ina Berenice Fink1 and Jan Pennekamp1 and Martin Henze2 (RWTH Aachen University1, Frauenhofer FKIE2)

15.30-15:50 Coffee Break

15.50-17.00 Intrusion Detection & Pentesting (Chair: Prof. Dr. Frank Kargl, Uni Ulm)

15.50 Scission: Signal Characteristic-Based Sender Identification and Intrustion Detection in Automotive Networks (Slides)
  Marcel Kneib1 and Christopher Huth2 and Paul Duplys (Bosch Engineering GmbH1, Robert Bosch GmbH2)
  In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, January 2018, Toronto Canada
16.10 Influence of HTTP Header Entries on the Forensic Analysis of Web Browser Artifacts (Slides)

Tobias Scheible (Faculty of Computer Science, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University)

16.30 Walling up Backdoors in Intrusion Detection Systems (Slides)
  Maximilian Bachl and Alexander Hartl and Joachim Fabini and Tanja Zseby (Technische Universität Wien)
  In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM CoNEXT Workshop on Big DAta, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Data Communication Networks, December 2019, Orlando, Florida
16.50 Penetration Testing a VoIP Environment with “WireBug” (Slides)
  Moritz Abrell (SySS GmbH)

17.10-17.40 Open Discussion: Digitalisierung über Nacht - Kann das gutgehen? (Sebastian Schreiber, CEO Syss GmbH)

Friday, 3rd April

9.00 Welcome (Prof. Dr. Michael Menth, Uni Tübingen & Matthias Deeg, Syss GmbH)

9.10-10.00 Attacks and Vulnerabilities (Chair: Prof. Dr. Mathias Fischer, Uni Hamburg)

9.10 Mini-Tutorial on Automated Discovery of Security Vulnerabilities using Fuzzing (Slides)
  Paul Duplys and Christopher Huth and Simon Greiner (Robert Bosch GmbH)
9.40 Automated Software Vulnerability Detection using Fuzzing (Slides)
  Simon Greiner and Hans Löhr and Paul Duplys (Robert Bosch GmbH)

10.00-10.45 Project Presentations (Chair: Prof. Dr. Nils Aschenbruck, Uni Osnabrück)

10.00 Serious Games for IT-Security Education (Slides)

Roland Schmitz and Dirk Heuzeroth (Institute for Cyber Security, Stuttgart Media University)


10.15 SIMPL: Secure IoT Management Platform (Slides)
  Thomas Prantl1 and Ala Eddine Ben Yahya1 and Alexandra Dmitrienko1 and Samuel Kounev1 and Fabian Lipp2 and David Hock2 and Christoph Rathfelder2 and Martin Hofherr3 (University of Würzburg1, Infosim GmbH & Co. KG2, Hahn-Schickhard-Gesellschaft für angewadte Forschung e.V.3, Mixed Mode GmbH4)
10.30 IT Security of electronic communication systems in smart textile products (Slides)
  Prof. Manuela Bräuning1 and Désirée Göbel1 and Prof. Holger Morgenstern2 and Prof. Dr. Martin Rieger2 and Nele Schäfer1 and Tobias Scheible(Faculty of Engineering1, Faculty of Computer Science2, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University)

10.45-10.55 Coffee Break

10.55-13.00 Tutorial (Chair: Prof. Dr. Georg Carle, TU München)

10.55 Tutorial: 5G Mobile Network Security Essentials (Slides)
  Peter Schneider (Nokia Bell Labs)

13.00-14.00 Lunch Break

14.00-15.10 Container & Cloud (Chair: Claas Lorenz, genua GmbH)

14.00 Mini-Tutorial: Container Sicherheit (Slides)
  Mirco Haug (SySS GmbH)
14.30 xRAC: Execution and Access Control for Restricted Application Containers on Managed Hosts (Slides)
  Frederik Hauser and Mark Schmidt and Michael Menth (University of Tübingen)
  Accepted for IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, April 2020, Budapest, Hungary
14.50 Public Cloud Security: Baking Cloud Architects - many tools, no fools (Slides)
  Tobias Hüttner (itdesign GmbH)

15.10-15.20 Discussion & Wrapup (Prof. Dr. Michael Menth, Uni Tübingen & Matthias Deeg, Syss GmbH)



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