2. KuVS Fachgespräch "Network Softwarization"
1./2.4.2020 at the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Due to the Corona crisis, KuVS FG NetSoft (31.3/1.4.2020) and ITG ITSec (2./3.4.2020) have been converted into online workshops (1.-3.4.2020). Please notice the changed programs!
Wednesday, 1st April
9.00 Welcome (Prof. Dr. Michael Menth, Uni Tübingen & Dr. Andreas Blenk, TU München)
9.10-10.40 Cloud, Pub/Sub, and TSN (Chair: Dr. Peter Danielis, Uni Rostock)
9.10 | Content-based Publish / Subscribe in SDN Networks (Slides) |
Helge Parzyjegla and Christian Wernecke and Gero Mühl (Institute of Computer Science, University of Rostock) | |
9.35 | Realtime Publish / Subscribe for the Industrial Internet of Things (Slides) |
Eike Schweissguth1 and Helge Parzyjegla2 and Peter Danielis2 and Gero Mühl2 and Dirk Timmermann1 (Institute of Applied Microelectronics and Computer Engineering1, Insitute of Computer Science2, University of Rostock) | |
10.00 | On the Performance of Stream-based, class-based time-aware Shaping and Frame Preemtion in TSN |
David Hellmanns1 and Jonathan Falk1 and Alexander Glavackij1 and René Hummen2 and Sephan Kehrer2 and Fank Dürr1 (University of Stuttgart1, Hirschmann Automation and Control GmbH2) | |
Accepted for IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, February 2020, Buenos Aires, Argentina. | |
10.25 | Industry talk: Vetting the option to secure time information (Slides) |
Gert Grammel (Juniper) |
10.40-10.55 Coffee Break
10.55-12.35 Low Latency and Automotive (Chair: Dr. Frank Dürr, Uni Stuttgart)
10.55 | Dynamic Migration of Real-Time Traffic Flows in SDN-Enabled Networks (Slides) |
Peter Danielis1 and György Dán2 and James Gross2 and André Berger3 (University of Rostock1, KTH Royal Institute of Technology2, Maastricht University3) | |
11.20 | Loko: Predictable Latency in Small Networks |
Amaury Van Bemten and Nemanja Deric and Johannes Zerwas and Andreas Blenk and Stefan Schmid and Wolfgang Kellerer (Technical University of Munich) | |
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments And Technologies (CoNEXT '19), December 2019, Orlando, Florida. | |
11.45 | Towards In-Network Computing Infrastructures for Connected Vehicles (Slides) |
Dennis Grewe and Naresh Nayak and Uthra Ambalavanan and Sebastian Schildt (Robert Bosch GmbH, Corporate Sector Research and Advance Engineering) | |
12.10 | An SDN Architecture for Automotive Ethernets (Slides) |
Marco Häberle1 and Florian Heimgärtner1 and Hans Löhr2 and Naresh Nayak2 and Dennis Grewe2 and Sebastian Schildt2 and Michael Menth1 (University of Tuebingen1, Robert Bosch GmbH2) |
12.35-13.50 Lunch Break
13.50-15.05 Performance Evaluation (Chair: Prof. Dr. Michael Scharf, HS Esslingen)
13.50 | Discrete-Time Modeling of NFV Accelerators that Exploit Batches Processing (Slides) |
Stanislav Lange1 and Leonardo Linguaglossa2 and Stefan Geissler1 and Dario Rossi2 and Thomas Zinner3 (Telecom ParisTech1, University of Würzburg2, TU Berlin3) | |
In Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM 2019 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, April 2019, Paris, France. | |
14.15 | Demystifying the Performance of XDP BPF (Slides) |
Oliver Hohlfeld1 and Johannes Krude2 and Jens Helge Reelfs2 and Jan Rüth2 and Klaus Wehrle2 (Brandenburg University of Technology1, RWTH Aachen University2) | |
In Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft), June 2019, Paris, France. | |
14.40 | Empirical Predictability Study on SDN Switches |
Amaury Van Bemten1 and Nemanja Deric1 and Amir Varasteh2 and Andreas Blenk1 and Stefan Schmid2 and Wolfgang Kellerer1 (Technical University of Munich1, University of Vienna2) | |
In Proceedings of the 2019 ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS), September 2019, Cambridge, United Kingdom. |
15.05-15.20 Coffee Break
15.20-16.50 Resilience (Chair: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Bauschert, Technische Universität Chemnitz)
15.20 | Industry talk: Resilience issues with SDN - a Matter of Topology (Slides) |
Gert Grammel (Juniper) | |
15.35 | RADWAN: Rate Adaptive Wide Area Network (Slides) |
Rachee Singh1 and Manya Ghobadi2 and Klaus-Tycho Foerster3 and Mark Filer4 and Phillipa Gill5 (University of Massachusetts1, Microsoft Research2, University of Vienna3, Microsoft4, University of Massachusetts5) | |
In Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM '18), August 2018, Budapest, Hungary. | |
15.50 | Resilience of Virtualized Embedded IoT Networks |
Doganalp Ergenc and Mathias Fischer (University of Hamburg) | |
Ergenc, D., & Fischer, M. (2020) Service-based Resilience in Embedded IoT Networks. Accepted to 50th IEEE Int. Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks. | |
16.25 | Tutorial on Bit Index Explicit Replication (BIER) (Slides) |
Daniel Merling and Michael Menth (University of Tuebingen) |
16.50-17.35 Open Discussion (Chair: Prof. Dr. Michael Menth, Uni Tübingen & Dr. Andreas Blenk, TU München)
Thursday, 2nd April
8.30 Welcome (Prof. Dr. Michael Menth, Uni Tübingen & Dr. Andreas Blenk, TU München)
8.40-10.20 P4-Based Applications I (Chair: Prof. Dr. Oliver Hohlfeld, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus - Senftenberg)
8.40 | P4-Protect: 1+1 Path Protection for P4 (Slides) |
Steffen Lindner and Daniel Merling and Marco Häberle and Michael Menth (University of Tuebingen) | |
9.05 | Towards Executing Computer Vision Funcionality on Programmable Network Devices (Slides) |
René Glebke and Johannes Krude and Ike Kunze and Jan Rüth and Felix Senger and Klaus Wehrle (RWTH Aachen University) | |
In Proceedings of the 1st ACM CoNEXT Workshop on Emerging in-Network Computing Paradigms, December 2019, Orlando, Florida. | |
9.30 | A Case for Data Centre Traffic Management on Software Programmable Ethernet Switches |
Kamil Tokmakov1 and Mitalee Sarker2 and Jörg Domaschka2 and Stefan Wesner2 (High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart1, Ulm University2) | |
9.55 | Online Reprogrammable Multi Tenant Switches (Slides) |
Johannes Krude1 and Jaco Hofmann2 and Matthias Eichholz2 and Klaus Wehrle1 and Andreas Koch2 and Mira Mezini2 (RWT Aachen University1, Technische Universität Darmstadt2) | |
In Proceedings of the 1st ACM CoNEXT Workshop on Emerging in-Network Computing Paradigms, December 2019, Orlando, Florida. |
10.20-10:35 Coffee Break
10.35-12.15 P4-Based Applications II (Chair: Prof. Dr. Stefan Schmid, Uni Wien)
10.35 | Towards Understanding the Performance of P4 Programmable Hardware |
Hasanin Harkous1,2 and Michael Jarschel2 and Mu He1 and Rastin Pries2 and Wolfgang Kellerer1 (Technical University of Munich1, Nokia Bell Labs2) | |
In Proceedings of the 2019 ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS), September 2019, Cambridge, United Kingdom. | |
11.00 | Service Function Chaining Based on Segment Routing, P4, and SR-IOV (Slides) |
Andreas Stockmayer and Stephan Hinselmann and Marco Häberle and Michael Menth (University of Tuebingen) (Internal Report) | |
11.25 | P4-BNG: Central Office Network Functions on Programmable Packet Pipelines (Slides) |
Ralf Kundel1 and Leonhard Nobach2 and Jeremias Blendin3 and Hans-Joerg Kolbe2 and Georg Schyguda2 and Vladimir Gurevich3 and Boris Koldehofe1 and Ralf Steinmetz1 (Technische Universität Darmstadt1, Deutsche Telekom Technik GmbH2, Barefoot Networks3) | |
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Network and Service Management, October 2019, Halifax, Canada. | |
11.50 | P4-MACsec: Dynamic Topology Monitoring and Data Layer Protection with MACsec in P4-Based SDN (Slides) |
Frederik Hauser and Marco Häberle and Michael Menth (University of Tuebingen) | |
P4-MACsec (accepted for IEEE Access) |
12.15 Discussion & Wrapup (Prof. Dr. Michael Menth, Uni Tübingen & Dr. Andreas Blenk, TU München)