
Privacy and Autonomy for Demand-Response in Smart Grids (PROUDER)

In this project, innovative solutions for demand-response communication in smart grids will be developed. Focus is on improved privacy and autonomy of controlled entities and on automatic detection of shiftable energy demands.

Funding: ZIM (BMWi)

Period: 2016 - 2019

Cooperation partners


  1. T. Stueber, F. Heimgaertner, and M. Menth: Day-Ahead Optimization of Production Schedules for Saving Electrical Energy Costs, preprint, in Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy), June 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA
  2. F. Heimgarrtner, S. Heider, T. Stueber, D. Merling, and M. Menth: Load Profile Negotiation in Day-Ahead Planning for Compliance with Power Limits, preprint, in Proceedings of the ETG Kongress, May 2019, Esslingen, Germany
  3. F. Heimgaertner, T. Sachs, and M. Menth: ClassCast: A Tool for Class-Based Forecasting, (preprint), in Proceedings of the 19th International GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems, Februar 2018, Erlangen, Germany
  4. F. Heimgaertner, U. Ziegler, B. Thomas, and M. Menth: A Distributed Control Architecture for a Loosely Coupled Virtual Power Plant, (preprint), in Proceedings of the ICE/IEEE International Technology Management Conference (ICE/IEEE ITMC), June 2018, Stuttgart, Germany
  5. F. Heimgaertner and M. Menth: Distributed Controller Communication in Virtual Power Plants Using Smart Meter Gateways, (preprint), in Proceedings of the ICE/IEEE International Technology Management Conference (ICE/IEEE ITMC), June 2018, Stuttgart, Germany


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