
Exploring International Master Degree Studies in the Humanities, Cultural and Social Sciences

Dare and seize your chance to get a well-grounded academic training at a university with a longstanding tradition and an interdisciplinary and international orientation!

"Attempto" - "I dare" is the motto which Count Eberhard the Bearded gave to the Eberhard-Karls-University founded by him more than five hundred years ago in Tübingen. A motto that reflects a spirit of enquiry as lively today as it was in 1477.

Today, studying abroad is an important experience. It provides you with the opportunity to improve and amplify your academic knowledge and skills, to get to know a foreign country, culture and language and thus, to gain intercultural experience and an international network of friends and colleagues.

We know that this is a challenge, but we would like to encourage you to discover new spaces and places and new ways of academic thinking and working. So join us and explore the following sites. Discover why it is worthwile to undertake the venture to pursue a master degree course at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen. On this website you will find all the information you need to plan and successfully complete your master degree studies in Tübingen.

Will you dare?

If you think about doing your semester abroad at our University, click "Prospective Students". If you are already enrolled at the Eberhard Karls Universität, click on "Current Students". Do you want to get in touch with your teachers? Don't hestitate to contact them. At our Download Area, we provide you with the most important forms.


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