
English-language Courses in the Humanities, Cultural and Social Sciences

The Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences both offer a wide choice of internationally oriented classes and courses. These include dual degree master programmes – that means, a student can acquire two master degrees: in Germany and another country – and master programmes taught in English. Moreover, many departments which do not yet have master programmes exclusively taught in English offer English-language classes.

Within the framework of the web platform „English Teaching in the Humanities, Cultural and Social Sciences“, several departments which are part of the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences have signed a cooperation agreement. This agreement enables international master students of these faculties to participate in English-language classes offered by these departments and to have them counted as credit points for their master degree courses. Further down you will learn in detail which master degree courses and disciplines are part of the cooperation.

Englisch-Language Master Programmes cooperating within the platform

Faculty of Humanities

Master Programmes taught partly in German, partly in English cooperating within the platform

Faculty of Humanities

English-language classes

Cooperating departments and disciplines

Faculty of Humanities

Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences


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