
M.A. Ethnologie / Social and Cultural Anthropology

The following recommended course plan is valid starting from the winter semester 2020/21, however, please note that it may be subject to change:

Semester Module Description CP*
1 ETH-MA-01 Theoretical foundations and new approaches in Social and Cultural Anthropology 15
1 ETH-MA-02 Methods and the practice of fieldresearch 12
1 - 2 ETH-MA-03 Contextualising anthropological theory and practice 9
2 ETH-MA-04 Theoretical, thematic and regional debates and case-studies in anthropology 15
2 - 3 ETH-MA-05 Importmodule 6
3 ETH-MA-06 Study project/Ethnographic fieldwork or in-ternship 15
3 ETH-MA-07 Writing Ethnography 15
4 ETH-MA-08 Thesis and oral Exam 33

* CP = Credit Points

M.A. Ethnologie / Social and Cultural Anthropology (with MUSA, Museum and collections, as a profile)

The following recommended course plan is valid starting from the winter semester 2020/21, however, please note that it may be subject to change:

Semester Module Description CP*
1 ETH-MA-01 Theoretical foundations and new approaches in Social and Cultural Anthropology 15
1 ETH-MA-02 Methods and the practice of fieldresearch 12
1 - 2 MA-MUSA-1 History and theory of museums 9
2 ETH-MA-04 Theoretical, thematic and regional debates and case-studies in anthropology 15
2 and 3 MA-MUSA-2 Study project: Museums and collections 12
3 ETH-MA-06 Study project/Ethnographic fieldwork or in-ternship 15
3 MA-MUSA-3 Exhibitions and collections in an interdisciplinary context 9
4 ETH-MA-08 Thesis and oral Exam 33

* CP = Credit Points


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