Workshop: Tübingen Modality Workshop – Online Edition
The workshop will be held on June 17/18 via Zoom.
Thursday, June 17th
10am – 12pm Anna-Sofia Maurin (Gothenburg): The Anatomy of Metaphysical Explanation
02pm – 04pm Tobias Rosefeldt (HU Berlin): Kant on knowledge of our own mental faculties as a source of knowledge of metaphysical modality
04pm – 06pm Anna Marmodoro (Durham): Causal powers? A black box!
Friday, June 18th
10am – 12pm Gaétan Bovey, Tobias Wilsch (Tübingen): Logic, Identity, and Necessity (joint session)
02pm – 04pm Christian Nimtz (Bielefeld): Modal Knowledge on the Cheap?
04pm – 06pm Vera Hoffmann-Kolss (Bern): Interventionism, Counterpossibles, and the Individuation of Properties
Organisers: Thomas Sattig, Tobias Wilsch
Funding: DFG project "Sources of Necessity"
To register for the event, please get in touch with tobias.wilschspam prevention@gmail.com.