Institut für Politikwissenschaft



Open Lecture: Deconstructing "Ideal Power Europe": The EU and Arab Change

Münevver Cebeci (Marmara University Istanbul) at Tuesday, 2nd July 2019 - 14 h c.t. - Lecture Room 24, Kupferbau - All Welcome

Dr. Münevver Cebeci is Associate Professor at the European Union Institute at Marmara University in Istanbul, where she received her PhD in EU Politics and International Relatoins, and a visiting Professor at the College of Europe, Natolin Campus. Her research interests include security studies, processes of securitization and desecuritization in Turkey, and European foreign policy - especially, the European Security and Defence Policy, the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and the European Neighbourhood Policy. She has published several books and numerous articles, including pieces in Millennium and South European Politics and Society.

This lecture is based on her latest book which shares the same title, which was published earlier this year by Lexington Books (US), and in which she critically analyses EU policies towards the Southern Mediterranean, demonstrating how these policies primarily serve to construct the EU as an "ideal power" while extending its hegemonial governmentality. 
