Baden-Württembergisches Brasilien- und Lateinamerika-Zentrum


Third edition of the Jornada de Estudios Latinoamericanos

Discourse, Power and (De)coloniality
16 - 18 November 2022 

Brechtbau: SR 027, SR 327 (Hybrid Conference)
WilhelmStr. 50, Tübingen
Access link:

Programm und weitere Informationen:

The third edition of the Jornada de Estudios Latinoamericanos of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies focuses on the role of discourse in colonial processes: who are the subjects of discourse, who can and cannot speak, what can and cannot be said, how the invention and hierarchization of the other is discursively perpetuated. To discuss these and other questions, we have invited renowned researchers of Discourse Studies in Latin America, such as Viviane Resende, president of the Latin American Association of Discourse Studies, but also Europeans, such as Teun van Dijk, University Pompeu Fabra, to join us in Tübingen. In addition, and in presence of Prof. Margarete Jäger, we pay a well-deserved tribute to the Duisburg Institute for Social and Linguistic Research (DISS) that celebrates 35 years of independent and socially committed research in the field of Discourse Studies. Throughout these decades, DISS has constituted itself as a place of resistance, a place of confrontation against the construction of the other and racism, a South within the North.  
