Internationales Zentrum für Ethik in den Wissenschaften (IZEW)



Panel: KI-Entwicklung in Europa

Öffentliches Event am 13. September um 18 Uhr im DAI Tübingen

Das IZEW veranstaltet zusammen mit dem Deutsch-Amerikanischen Institut im Rahmen des internationalen Projekts "WeNet - The Internet of Us" eine hybride Panel-Diskussion zum Thema "Social Innovation and AI Development in Europe." Das Panel findet am Dienstag, den 13. September, um 18 Uhr im DAI, Karlstraße 3, statt. Wir freuen uns über Ihren Besuch! Gerne können Sie sich auch online hinzuschalten. Bitte zuvor unter dem folgenden Link registrieren:

Die Veranstaltung wird in Englischer Sprache stattfinden.

Europe is increasingly investing in the development of Artificial Intelligence, with a global third place in the number of AI economic players behind the United States and China. Arguably, research in AI is the biggest driver of these developments, with over 3 billion Euros annual investment in Germany alone. Social innovation plays an increasingly important role in the AI landscape with the European Commission funding and promoting research and products that primarily aim at serving society. Social innovations in AI promise to (re)focus AI development on people instead of profits. For instance, the WeNet social media platform has been included in the EC Innovation Radar for responding to the various concerns with existing online systems for personal interaction. Yet, questions remain about the export of European technologies and values as a form of digital colonialism and the reinforcement of bias and discrimination in technology. These trends, drivers, and conflicts are subject to our panel discussion with a group of renowned computer scientists and researchers.
The panelists:
  • Elizabeth Churchill (Google, USA) – Attending remotely
  • Gianluca Misuraca (Inspiring Futures, AI4GOV, InTouchAI & Re-Imagine Europa) – Attending in person
  • Daniel Gatica-Perez (EPFL, EU) – Attending in person
  • Judith Simon (Uni Hamburg, EU) – Attending remotely

And Jessica Heesen, from WeNet partner EKUT (EU), as host and moderator
