Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Dr. Nadine Sika


American University in Cairo und Future University Cairo



Academic Background

2008 Cairo University: PhD in Political Science

Dissertation Title: Democracy and Education: An Analysis of the Primary Education System and the Prospects for Democratization in Egypt

1997-2000 American University in Cairo (AUC): Masters of Arts, Political Science - International Relations.

Thesis Title: Human Rights NGOs and Democratization: The Cases of Egypt and Argentina

1993-1997 American University in Cairo (AUC): Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, International Relations

Professional Experience

September 2008-present: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Future University in Egypt.

September 2008-present: Research Coordinator, Partners in Development for Research, Consulting and Training (PID).

November 2008 - present: Consultant to the British Council, for the Establishment of a Youth Virtual Think Tank in the Arab World.

October 2009-Present: Head of Research Team for establishing an Egyptian Migration Data Base for Consortium for Applied Research on International Migration (CARIM).

Major Publications

Education Reform and Democratization: The Case of Egypt, (Forthcoming June 2010, Mellen Publishers: Ceredigion).

Co-editor, "Labor Mobility Dynamics in the Arab World", April 2010, Cairo: IOM).

Co-author, "Civil Society Organizations, Political Parties, and the Judicial System in Egypt" in National Integrity Systems Report Egypt 2009, Transparency International, Cairo: 2010.

“Highly Skilled Migration and Development: The Case of Egypt,” CARIM AS 201017, FI: European Union Institute , 2010.


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