College of Fellows


Aktuelle Veranstaltungen

► 26. März 2025: 18 Uhr: GIP Lecture mit Ass. Prof. Marília de Nardin Budó 

► 28. März 2025: 18-20 Uhr: Workshop aus der Reihe “Rethinking Peace” von und mit Dr. Veronica Cibotaru 


Vorlesungen und Vorlesungsreihen

College of Fellows Lecture Series

Die College of Fellows Lecture Series lädt internationale Fellows und Tübinger Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler ein, ihre Forschung vorzustellen und sich zu vernetzen. Jeden Monat stellen Fellows und internationale Gastwissenschafter:innen der Universität Tübingen ihre Forschungsergebnisse vor. Wir freuen uns über Ihr Interesse: infospam 

Focus Group Events

Ausführliche Informationen zu den einzelnen Focus Groups finden Sie hier

21. März 2025 – Workshop: Neighbourhood and Policing

Scientific description of the workshop

The idea of neighbourhood has been studied from various perspectives including geography (Keller, 1968; Morris & Hess, 1975; Chaskin, 1995), spatial (Suttles, 1972; Galster, 2019), urban planning/designer (Kallus & Law-Yone, 2000; Colquhoun, 1985; Lynch, 1960) and sociology (Hunter, 1974, 1979). A few scholars have also attempted to

integrate social and geographical perspectives to understand the idea of the neighbourhood (Hallman, 1984; Warren, 1981; Downs, 1981). The neighbourhood is not just understood as a territorial boundary but also considered as a series of overlapping social networks (Castells, 1997; Schoenberg, 1979) and their role is to promote a sense of community and social cohesion (Forrest & Kearns, 2001) and a sense of identity (Morrison, 2003). However, the idea of neighbourhood is understudied and less explored from a policing perspective. Find more in the workshop description and its program.

Fellow Life Events

CoF Lunch Talks

Die CoF Lunch Talk Series lädt internationale Fellows und Tübinger Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler ein, sich in entspannter Atmosphäre während der Mittagspause auszutauschen. Jeden Monat stellt ein Fellow seine Forschung vor. Die CoF Lunch Talks finden in der Villa Köstlin statt. 

Joint Belonging - Online Lecture Series (CoF - IAS Durham)

Die Online-Vortragsreihe findet in Kooperation mit dem IAS Durham statt. Die Lecture Series widmet sich dem Thema Belonging im Rahmen des Projekts “Joint Belonging” des CoF und des IAS Durham.

GIP Lecture Series

Die Online-Vortragsreihe findet in Kooperation mit der Gesellschaft für Interkulturelle Philosophie statt. Die GIP bemüht sich, interkulturelle Philosophie als methodologischen Standpunkt, mit dem eine Annäherung aller Weltphilosophien untereinander ermöglicht werden kann, in Vorträgen, in Forschung und Lehre und in Diskussionsrunden bekannt zu machen.

Nächste GIP-Lecture

Ass. Prof. Marília de Nardin Budó, Rechtswissenschaften, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil

“Environmental Restorative Justice Beyond Modernity's Colonial and Ecological Divides”

Mittwoch, 26. März 2025, 18:00  Uhr (CET)

Anmeldung zur Teilnahme über Zoom per Mail an: niels.weidtmannspam



Environmental restorative justice offers a powerful framework for addressing ecological destruction and loss. However, enduring challenges have limited its transformative potential. This presentation examines these challenges through Malcolm Ferdinand's concept of the "double fracture of modernity", Arturo Escobar’s “coloniality of nature”, and Cida Bento’s “narcissistic pact of whiteness”.

The first challenge involves confronting entrenched power structures where environmental harm is perpetrated by privileged actors whose actions are legitimized by state systems prioritizing "development." The second challenge concerns the marginalization of those most affected by environmental degradation—women, Black and Indigenous communities, more-than-human animals, and natural entities—who have resisted to multiple "ends of the world" in their territories.

Both challenges stem from the coloniality of power: the colonial fracture that establishes racial hierarchies to rank humans, knowledge, and territories; and the ecological fracture that positions humans above other species through anthropocentrism. Both challenges are perpetuated not merely through capitalism's material relations, but through interlocking systems of whiteness and cis-hetero-patriarchy—forms of colonial supremacism that systematically exclude plural epistemologies and ontologies from global policymaking and international justice systems.

This exclusion severely limits our capacity to establish meaningful accountability for perpetrators of ongoing ecocides and genocides, while simultaneously preventing our collective imagination from conceiving justice beyond Western frameworks. By understanding environmental justice through this dual lens, we can shift from merely restorative to truly transformative justice approaches. This presentation argues for contextualizing environmental conflicts within their historical and present-day colonial continuities, creating space for epistemologies and ontologies other than modern western rationality that can guide us toward broader and plural perspectives of justice.


Workshop Rethinking Peace

Workshop Rethinking Peace | Dr. Veronica Cibotaru

28. März | 18-20 Uhr   Online 

We have witnessed in the last years and months a global upsurge of violent conflicts that jettison every form of respect of international law, human rights and principles of justice, despite the decades-long existence of international juridic and peace-keeping instances, such as the United Nations, or of political projects that are built on the idea of universal human rights and rule of law, such as Europe. The aim of these workshops is to reflect on the causes which made possible this global critical situation but also and above all on future perspectives which could replace this situation. If it is commonly admitted that violence and war are opposed to or amount to absence of peace, how should we conceive this notion and which possibilities can philosophy offer in this respect? Should we think peace as a mere absence of violence and war, or should we concede to peace an ontological primacy and positive consistency, as does Levinas? Is peace opposed to every form of conflict or can it be on the contrary built only on the basis of conflicts which lead to mutual recognition (Ricœur) or radical democracy (Mouffe)? Does peace necessarily entail a specific global political and juridical form of organization, such as the Kantian idea of a world republic, with all the ambiguities that it entails? What kind of living together (Dewey) and thinking together (Arendt) does it presuppose? These questions will not be analysed only from a general perspective, but also grounding in a reflection on concrete forms of violence and peace. Ultimately this initiative aims at developing a philosophical vocabulary of peace, which would be embedded in different philosophical traditions but at the same time also attuned to the challenges of the contemporary world. Please find more information on the workshop in its program.  

Projekte mit Kooperationspartnern

Einen Überblick über unsere Kooperationspartner finden Sie hier.

Gemeinsames internationales Kolloquium

zum Thema Gewissenhaftigkeit, Einheit und Entwicklung: Aktuelle Vereinnahmung des Panafrikanismus von Nkrumah

12.-14. März, 8-17 Uhr         Universität Lomé

Die Frage nach dem Panafrikanismus als Grundideologie des strukturellen Fortschritts des Kontinents rückt in diesem Jahrtausend wieder in den Vordergrund des Denkens von Philosophen, Politikwissenschaftlern und allen Afrikanologen. Neben Wissenschaftlern, Forschern und Akademikern, die sich für eine Art Wiederbelebung des panafrikanistischen Denkens begeisterten, zogen Politiker und Aktivisten für verschiedene afrikanische Anliegen die Grundlagen ihres Handelns aus den panafrikanischen Theorien der Anfangszeit. Mehr zur inhaltlichen Ausrichtung der Veranstaltung und zum Programm stellen wir hier als Download zur Verfügung. 


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