Fachbereich Geowissenschaften

Module "Experimental and Analytical Methods in Geoscience and Environmental Science"

Principles of the Module

The module "Experimental and Analytical Methods in Geoscience and Environmental Science" is obligatory for students in the MSc Geowissenschaften/Geociences and open to students of the MSc Applied and Environmental Geoscience and the MSc Geoökologie/Geoecology.
The module consists of three units that can freely be selected over the entire course of the MSc studies. There are more units selectable than needed to fill the module. Students can fill a second module "Experimental and Analytical Methods in Geoscience and Environmental Science 2" as elective. The individual units are offered either over 4 weeks within the lecturing period of the semester, or as one-week block course. The module is graded by the average grade of the three units.

NOTE: This page gives an overview over all units available. Not all of the units listed might be offered in the respective summer/winter semester. Check the detailed description and the availability of units on ALMA in the respective semester and register as early as possible so lecturers can estimate the demand.

The contents are divided into elementary methods that are eligible for the mandatory first module in MSc Geowissenschaften / Geociences (units in winter semester) and advanced methods (units in summer semester) being eligible only for the elective second module. For students in AEG and Geoecology no such distinction exists.

Units available in the Winter Semester
Environmental Nanoscience

Nanoparticles and colloidal minerals constitute abundant and highly reactive phases in the Earth system. They are naturally present since the beginning of time, and engineered nanomaterials are being increasingly released to the environment via anthropogenic activities.
The course will focus on size-dependent properties of particles extending to the nanoscale, their relevance to biogeochemical cycling, and methods to characterize particle size distribution, surface charge and aggregation in suspension. Techniques to be covered include dynamic light scattering (Zetasizer), laser diffraction (Mastersizer) and single particle ICP-MS.

Taught by: Muammar Mansor

Instrumental Chemical Analysis Methods

Introduction to and application of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electronprobe microanalysis (EPMA) on individual rock samples, including textural documentation, data evaluation, mineral formula calculation and presentation of the results. Students acquire theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience on two analytical techniques that are routinely used in geosciences.

Taught by: Michael Marks, Sebastian Staude

Introduction to Dating Rocks and Sediments

The course provides the theoretical and practical basics to a variety of geo- and thermochronological methods that have a broad range of applications in Geoscience, such as quantifying Geodynamic and Earth’s surface processes. Participants will date their own rock/mineral and learn the how to interpret their ages. Specific topics addressed in this course include:

  • General principles of absolute and relative dating techniques
  • Radiometric/Quaternary dating methods
  • Application of the (U-Th)/He method
  • Cosmogenic isotope dating method

Lectures provide the basic concepts of the applied methods and interpretational tools, which will be accompanied by computer exercises and likely some field work. Laboratory work is used to generate own state-of-the-art analytical data. Data specific software and modelling software (Matlab) will be used for data interpretation.

Taught by: Christoph Glotzbach

Introduction to Electron Microscopy

This course provides an introduction to the basic principles of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the major sample preparation methods and the equipment used for different sample materials. The theoretical knowledge will be put into practice in the preparation and examination of a variety of sample types, with the intention that individual steps will be carried out by the students themselves (as far as possible). Students will learn to use electron microscopy by comparing and understanding the results of different preparation methods. The course is rounded off by an introduction to image processing and analysis of the electron micrographs taken.

Taught by: Stefan Fischer, Hartmut Schulz

Material Characterization Methods

The course "Material Characterization Methods" offers both theoretical insights and practical demonstrations of common grain size characterization techniques in sedimentary petrology, including sedimentation methods and laser diffraction, alongside their associated sampling strategies.
Additionally, it delves into grain size-dependent mineralogical analysis of clayey materials using X-ray diffraction, emphasizing the specific sample preparation protocols involved.
Given the hands-on nature of the exercises combined with lectures, group sizes are restricted and contingent upon staff availability and laboratory capacity.

Taught by: Christoph Berthold

Methods of Structural Analysis: X-ray Diffraction and Infrared/Raman Spectroscopy

The course "Methods of Structural Analysis: X-ray Diffraction and Infrared/Raman Spectroscopy" offers a comprehensive introduction to these important techniques in geosciences for both qualitative and quantitative analysis of rock, mineral, and ceramic samples. Through a combination of laboratory exercises and lectures, the module is designed to equip students with the necessary skills to effectively utilize these analytical methods and become acquainted with pertinent laboratory protocols. Group size is restricted and contingent upon the maximum available staff and laboratory capacity.

Taught by: Marcus Nowak, Christoph Berthold

Wet Chemical Analysis of Major and Trace Elements

In this course the participants will learn how major- and trace element (M&TE) data for bulk rocks or minerals are obtained using various geochemical analytic methods. Themes of the course include rock sampling techniques for geochemical analyses, sample preparation methods (crushing-mineral separation-powdering; flux melting and acid digestion) for M&TE analyses, major element measurements by x-ray fluorescence and optical spectroscopy, trace element analyses by quadrupole plasma mass spectrometry, data reduction and data quality assessment.
Lectures in the mornings will be accompanied by hands-on laboratory practicals in the afternoons.

Taught by: Ronny Schönberg

Units available in the Summer Semester
Advanced Electron Microscopy

This course introduces the basic principles of cryo-electron microscopy with an emphasis on cryo-(FIB)-SEM. It covers conventional cryo sample preparation/ stabilisation methods (i.e. plunge freezing, high pressure freezing, freeze fracture) using the appropriate equipment depending on the sample. Theoretical knowledge will be applied in practical sessions to prepare and examine a variety of samples. Students will learn to use cryo-electron microscopy and gain an understanding of the advantages and limitations of the method. It is recommended that students attend the Introduction to Electron Microscopy course prior to this course.

Taught by: Stefan Fischer, Jeremiah Shuster

Advanced Methods for Dating Rocks and Sediments

The course provides the theoretical and practical basics to two geo- and thermochronological methods that have a broad range of applications in Geoscience, such as quantifying Geodynamic and Earth’s surface processes. Participants will date their own rock/mineral and learn the how to interpret their ages. Specific topics addressed in this course include:

  • Theoretical and practical background of fission track dating
  • Principles of U-Pb dating
  • Interpretation of thermo- and geochronological data

Lectures provide the basic concepts of the applied methods and interpretational tools, which will be accompanied by computer exercises and likely some field work. Laboratory work is used to generate own state-of-the-art analytical data. Data specific software and modelling software (Matlab) will be used for data interpretation.

Taught by: Christoph Glotzbach

Dating Quarternary Sediments

The Quaternary (spanning the past c. 2.6 My) represents an important period in the earth’s geological, climate and human history. Establishing a timing for these events, not only provides a chronological framework, but also a potential tool for quantifying the rate of geological or geomorphological processes.
This course aims to provide an advanced insight as well as practical experience in the luminescence dating for dating Quaternary sediments. 
The course includes fieldwork and sampling of sediment samples, preparation of feldspar minerals in the laboratory, luminescence measurements, and calculation of equivalent doses and ages.

Taught by: Sumiko Tsukamoto

Material Orientated Computer Tomography

The course provides an introduction to applications of computed tomographic (CT) methods to different areas of geology and paleontology. It covers the basic theoretical framework of how X-ray interacts with matter and how this, combined with computer algorithms, can be used to image the internal morphology of objects. We will also cover post-processing and applications of micro-CT datasets.
Most of this course is practical, including imaging and post-processing related activities.

Taught by: Gabriel Ferreira

Terrestrial Magnetism ----- only summer semester 2025

The course is centered on the study of how terrestrial deposits, with a particular emphasis on loess as a principal terrestrial archive, record historical environmental and climatic changes through their magnetic properties. Participants will learn about the formation, composition, and role of magnetic minerals like magnetite and hematite, and how depositional and pedogenic processes influence these properties. The course covers key measurement techniques, such as cryogenic magnetometers, frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility, anhysteretic and isothermal remanent magnetizations, and temperature-dependent magnetic analysis.
Activities include lectures, hands-on lab work, case studies, and group discussions, helping participants apply these methods to reconstruct historical climate conditions and soil formation processes. Assessments include quizzes, practical reports, and a research project.

Taught by: Amin Ghafarpour