Zentrum für Islamische Theologie (ZITh)

Dr. Mujadad Zaman

Postdoctoral Research Fellow 2016–2023

Dr. Mujadad Zaman is a researcher of Philosophy of Education, Theological Anthropology, and Aesthetics and Ethics in Education. He is interested in how knowledge is conceived, shared and transmitted for human growth and actualisation. Dr. Zaman works with pre-modern ideas of learning and human development as well writing on contemporary education, specifically on themes of the Knowledge Society, higher education and the imagination. He works in curriculum development with non-profit urban and rural educational projects in the USA, UK, and Pakistan, teacher training and educational innovation.  


Having received several Masters degrees, Dr. Zaman completed his PhD in 2019 at the University of Cambridge. In the same year, he received a 145,000 Euros grant from the Baden Württemberg Stiftung to launch a four-year project, Internationalizing, Learning and Mentoring (ILM). The project is designed as a teaching exchange and training program for student-teachers of religious education in Germany to dialogue and learn best practices from educators across the European context, especially in the UK and Bosnia Herzegovina. 


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