Institut für Astronomie & Astrophysik

Thomas Rauch: AA Doradus

AA Dor: Papers

AA Dor: Animation I

AA Dor Animation I

Left panels Top: View onto the close, eclipsing, post common-envelope binary system AA Dor, that consists of a sdOB-type primary star and an unseen low-mass companion, from the top and from the side (as seen from Earth, i = 89.21 degrees). Bottom: Normalized synthetic lightcurve Right panels Phase-dependent spectral variation of the He II 4686Å line profile. Our UVES spectra (bottom, smoothed by a Gaussian of 0.05Å FWHM) is compared with the synthetic spectrum (top).

A smaller version (1.9 MB) of this animation can be downloaded

AA Dor: Animation II

AA Dor Animation II

Top: View onto the binary system AA Dor from the side (as seen from Earth, i = 89.21 degrees). The illuminated part of the cool companion is shown.