Tübingen School of Education (TüSE)

Application and Funding International Education Week

July 29 - August 03, 2024

This European Education Week consists of participants from Tübingen and its partner universities within the UNI-T project and takes place in Tübingen. Please follow the guideline for the applicaiton process for international or Tübingen students accordingly.
You will find further information on the application process, program and funding below.

Application Deadlines: 

for International Students April 20, 2024
for Tübingen Students Registration via Alma-System for individual course

Application for International Students

Please download the guidelines for the application process first.

Step 1:


Hand in the following documents via email (education-weekspam prevention@tuese.uni-tuebingen.de) no later than April 20, 2024.

Notifications will be sent by beginning of May 2024.

Step 2:

Confirmation of Participation

After receiving your letter of acceptance, please confirm your participation by signing the Subsidy Agreement until May 15, 2024.

Application for students from Tübingen

Students from Tübingen can register online via Alma (if you are still interested in participating after the registration deadline, please contact the lecturers as soon as possible for possible remaining places):

Students must confirm their participation in the European Education Week by May 15, 2024 with the project coordination.

Housing and Travelling

International Students are provided:

  • Funded housing:
    Participants are provided support for housing in shared rooms with other participants of the Education Week. All rooms are close to the university.
  • Travel Grants:
    According to ERASMUS+ fares. Grants may vary for different countries.
  • No study fees

 Due to our funding regulations, travel and accommodation grants can only be provided for students from UNI-T partner universities.  

Cultural Program

All students (International and Tübingen students) are invited to take part in the cultural program of the European Education Week, including e.g.:

  • Field Trip
  • City Tour in Tübingen
  • International Dinner
  • Boat Ride
  • Beergarden visit

The cultural program is funded by the project and part of the Internationalization at Home for Tübingen Students.


education-weekspam prevention@tuese.uni-tuebingen.de


Programm Coordination:

Annika Böcker
 +49 7071 29-75517
annika-lena.boeckerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Room 002

Deborah Diekmann
 +49 7071 29-75517
deborah.diekmannspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Room 002

Universität Tübingen 
Tübingen School of Education
Wilhemstraße 31
72074 Tübingen


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