Giuliana Sorce studied American Studies (BA, 2011) and Professional Communication Studies (MSc, 2014) in Germany und the US. As the recipient of a full doctoral scholarship, Giuliana Sorce graduated earned her degree in Mass Communications and Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies (PhD, 2017) an der Penn State University. Her grant-supported dissertation project „Watching out for media: An institutional ethnographic perspective on the feminist-democratic media activism of Media Monitoring Africa” is based on fieldwork in Johannesburg, Südafrika. All chapters of her dissertation are published in international journals.
An award-winning scholar, Giuliana Sorce publishes in leading academic journals within media and communication studies (Convergence, Journalism Practice, Feminist Media Studies, Environmental Communication, Media and Communication, etc.). From 2020-2021, she was Chair of the „International and Intercultural Communication“ division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK). Since 2022, she is Chair of the „Communication and Democracy“ section of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA).
Next to offering regular courses in media methods, Giuliana Sorce teaches coursework in media theory and analysis (mostly in English) at the undergraduate level, and within the Publics and Responsibility track at the MA level. In 2014, she won a teaching award for her pedagogical innovations and service learning projects. She has taught at leading international institutions (Manchester University, Södertörn University, Erasmus University Rotterdam) and has experience in online teaching and curricular development.
Since 2018, Giuliana Sorce is a postdoctoral scholar within the unit “Transformations of Media Cultures” (Prof. Dr. Tanja Thomas). As the Institute of Media Studies’ international coordinator, she supports exchange students and researchers. From 2018-2021, she was associated member of the Hans-Böckler-Foundation’s graduate program “right-wing politics and exclusionary solidarities.” From 2020-2022, she fellow in the Athene program for outstanding emerging scholars. Her cumulative habilitation project focuses on transnational (digital) climate activism.
Giuliana Sorce on Google Scholar
Giuliana Sorce on ORCID