Alumni networks and support associations provide contact to former students from the faculty, organize events, and give useful tips for career entry. Even after your studies, you remain in contact with others.
At the Faculty of Economics and Social Science, there are currently the following alumni networks and support associations:
- Tübinger Vereinigung für Volkskunde e.V. (Historical and Cultural Antropology)
- Prosozpaed Tübingen e.V. - Contact point for socio-pedagogical research, education, and practice at the University of Tübingen (Education Science)
- Münzgasse ELF - Network for Adult Educators from Tübingen
- POLIS -Support association for political science at the University of Tübingen (Political Science)
- FISPO - Support association of the Institute of Sports Science (Sports Science)
- Societas - Support association Sociology Tübingen
- Wiwi-Netzwerk (Business and Economics)