Excellence Strategy


Sharing Knowledge Talk (in German)

Thursday, January 11, 2024, 5-6 pm

Online registration:

Welchen typischen Vorurteilen begegnen Forschende in ihrem Alltag? Und wie kann Wissenschaftskommunikation Stereotypen entgegenwirken? Dr. Christiane Attig vom Institut für Multimediale und Interaktive Systeme der Universität zu Lübeck ist promovierte Psychologin und Dozentin für Wissenschaftskommunikation beim Nationalen Institut für Wissenschaftskommunikation (NaWik). Seit 2018 produziert sie zahlreiche Podcasts, in denen sie sich unter anderem für die Sichtbarmachung von Frauen und nicht-binären Personen in der Wissenschaft einsetzt. Im Sharing Knowledge Talk teilt Dr. Christiane Attig mit uns ihre Erfahrungen als Podcasterin und berichtet von Chancen und Grenzen der Wissenschaftskommunikation im Einsatz für mehr Gleichstellung.


Dr. Christiane Attig ist Psychologin an der Universität zu Lübeck und Dozentin beim Nationalen Institut Wissenschaftskommunikation (NaWik). Sie setzt sich als Podcasterin für die Sichtbarmachung von Frauen und nicht-binären Personen in der Wissenschaft ein. 


Certificate Program Science Communication and Media Competence

Workshops & Talks

Workshop: Project Development

Dr. Markus Gottschling (RHET AI Center, Uni Tübingen)
July 18/19, 2024 & October 24/25 2024, in person, register with the Graduate Academy


Workshop: Science Communication Basics

Salina Weber (RHET AI Center, Uni Tübingen)
April 25/26 2024 & July 25/26 2024, in person, register with the Graduate Academy


WorkshopIn person vs. Online Persuasion 

Dr. Jutta Krautter & Dr. Carmen Lipphardt (Center for Rhetoric and Science Communication, Uni Tübingen)
June 27/28 2024, Zoom, register with the Graduate Academy


Workshop: Express yourself! Body and Voice in Science Communication

Salina Weber (RHET AI Center, Uni Tübingen) & Johanna Ringe (Speech Therapy School, UKT Tübingen)
June 27/28 2024, in person, register with the Graduate Academy


Workshop: Vizualisation and Design in Science Communication

Michael Pelzer (Sharing Knowledge, Uni Tübingen)
September 19/23 2024, in person, register with the Graduate Academy

Who can apply?

Free course places are initially open to participants from the certificate program Science Communication and Media Competence.

Registration always takes place via the Graduate Academy registration system.

If you are not enrolled in the certificate program, you can apply for free places in courses via the Graduate Academy system - or send an email to info@graduiertenakademie.uni-tuebingen.de.

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Anna-Zoë Herr & Dr. Mhairi Stewart: Public Engagement and Science Communication

Who is it good for?

Sharing Knowledge Talk

Anna-Zoë Herr & Dr. Mhairi Stewart (Berlin School of Public Engagement)

Tuesday, October 25, 5 pm 

Online, Register to receive the link: 

Public Engagement is vitally important when it comes to the future of academia and research. It is part of the new excellence framework for European standards for research, and is of significant benefit to researchers and research institutions. We are sharing what Public Engagement is, what impact it has and what benefit you can gain from investing into a more engaged way of research.


Anna-Zoë Herr is Public Engagement Coordinator at the Berlin School of Public Engagement and Open Science and a researcher in the field of climate communication where she explores the effect of hope narratives. She also has a fine arts background and is always looking for ways to combine creative approaches with research, making public engagement particularly dear to her heart.

Dr. Mhairi Stewart is the Joint Head of the Berlin School of Public Engagement. Mhairi has a background as a senior PE professional in academia, leading the institutional embedding of engagement and has delivered training and strategic support to colleagues globally. Her work focuses on International Public Engagement delivery, policy, strategic development and research, bringing the public, academia, industry and policy makers into productive dialogues for mutual benefit.

Website: https://www.publicengagement.berlin/

Dr. Helena Jambor: How to not lie with charts

Best practices for good data visualization

Sharing Knowledge Talk

Dr. Helena Jambor

Tuesday, May 31, 5 pm 

Visual evidences are key for scientific discourses as well as for science communication. Yet, image preparation, graphs and representation of statistical data often are not part of the scientific curriculum. In her Sharing Knowledge Talk, Helena Jambor will present explorative and explanatory data visualizations, and also extensively discuss examples.


Dr. Helena Jambor is a graduated molecular biologist with a passion for design. Helena researched biomedical data visualisation practices and today combines her expertise in analysing large data sets with her interest in data visualisation as a scientist at the University Hospital Dresden. Helena also trains and consults in life science data visualisation and since 2019 is a lecturer for biomedical data science at Berlin Hochschule für Technik.

She blogs, tweets, and writes about all aspects of data visualisation.

blog: https://helenajambor.wordpress.com/eine-seite/

Nicola Wessinghage: Mit Wissenschaft in die "breite Öffentlichkeit"

Erfahrungen, Tipps und Ideen aus der Praxis

Sharing Knowledge Talk

February 10, 2022, 4 p.m

Nicola Wessinghage is managing director at the communication agency Mann beißt Hund, which specializes in topics and projects from science and education. In her Sharing Knowledge Talk, she reports on campaigns and projects and invites people to discuss opportunities, stumbling blocks and prospects for science communication.

to the video recording

Prof. Dr. Dietram Scheufele: From Pandemics to Infodemics

How to meaningfully communicate about science in an age of uncertain science and polarized politics

Sharing Knowledge Talk

December 2, 2021,
5 pm (s.t.), Zoom
Please register to receive the Zoom link:

About the talk

Emerging technologies like AI, CRISPR, or neurological chimeras increasingly raise questions about the ethical and moral boundaries of science. As a result, universities are faced with the need to not just communicate about the scientific aspects of the work we do, but also about the societal, political, and regulatory implications of emerging science. All of this is complicated by rapidly shifting information environments on social media and beyond, and highly polarized political environments. COVID-19 has demonstrated powerfully how ill prepared many in the scientific community are for these challenges. What can we learn from the latest social science about how to effectively communicate about new technologies and correct widespread misinformation with science that itself might not always turn out to be right?

Dietram A. Scheufele is the Taylor-Bascom Chair in Science Communication and Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor at Wisconsin, and a Distinguished Research Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg Public Policy Center. He currently co-chairs the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Standing Committee on Advancing Science Communication Research and Practice and ad hoc committee on Addressing Inaccurate and Misleading Information about Biological Threats through Scientific Collaboration and Communication.

Knowledge Design Events

Basics of Visual Science Communication


January 25 & 27, February 3, 2022

Target Group

Doctoral Researchers and PostDocs at the Cluster of Excellence ML


Michael Pelzer, Department of General Rhetoric / Presentation Research Center 

Content and Goals

Visualizations and infographics are an important part of scientific papers, posters, and talks: well-made graphical elements can help to bring the core message of papers across, summarize complex research results in effective and easily intelligible ways or kindle the interest and attention of a wider public.
This interactive workshop supports participants in gaining a better understanding of visual science communication and guides them to improve their visual communication skills. The workshop conveys creative techniques and design strategies that help to generate clear and effective graphical illustrations of scientific concepts and ideas. Working together on concrete examples, participants will be invited to practically apply their new skills to develop a visual abstract of their research.


Visual Science Communication in Medicine: Vaccine Development in Tübingen (in German)


Winter semester 2021/22

Target Group

Students of Rhetoric, Medicine and Life Sciences


Michael Pelzer, Department of General Rhetoric / Presentation Research Center 
Dr. Markus Löffler, Surgical Immunology

Content and Goals

Visual design has become a particularly effective aspect of knowledge transfer: Successful graphic presentation elements and visualizations can support summarizing complex research results vividly, conveying core messages pointedly as well as generating attention.
Vaccines are an issue that can hardly be surpassed in terms of topicality at present. At the same time, they are among the most important achievements of modern medicine because they help protect countless people from infectious diseases and save lives. Vaccines are also being developed in Tübingen. At the moment, the focus is particularly on vaccine development against the coronavirus, but Tübingen has a long and influential tradition in vaccine development: For example, Tübingen researchers have played a major role in many concepts and innovations that are now used worldwide, such as in the development of mRNA-based vaccines.
During this practical seminar, we will therefore look specifically at vaccine development in Tübingen. Fundamental aspects of vaccine development as well as current developments and projects and historical aspects will be considered – and serve as a starting point for the creation of visualizations for knowledge communication.
In the course of a cooperation between the Presentation Research Center / Knowledge Design and the Surgical Immunology Group of Tübingen University Hospital, the seminar will bring together 6 rhetoric students and 6 students of medicine and life sciences in interdisciplinary teams for this purpose. The participants will have the opportunity to develop a highly relevant topic of medical science communication in independent project work and to distinguish themselves in the field of visual science communication. 


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