In contrast to course evaluations (LvE), which refer to the individual courses, these evaluation modules give students the opportunity to evaluate and reflect on their entire course of study. These include, for example, the following questions: Why did students choose a particular course of study? Does the course meet expectations? Do students feel supported? How could the course of studies be improved?
The third faculty-wide course evaluation takes place in a temporally staggered manner - for each subject adapted to the accreditation schedule - in the academic years 2021/22 and 2022/23. The students of almost all courses of study at the Department of Economic and Social Sciences are asked about their studies.
In the summer semesters 2022 and 2023, the results of the program evaluation are discussed in round table discussions between students and subject representatives. The results are then prepared by the representatives of the study program into overall reports and discussed in the study commissions. These reports provide an important information basis for the further development of the degree programs.
In the subjects of Historical Cultural Anthropology, Political Science and Sociology, in the Methods Centre as well as in the School of Business and Economics, the evaluations have been completed and the overall reports (see Downloads) are available.