Excellence Strategy

FAQ for Grantees

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Frequently asked questions about guidelines for funding by the Excellence Strategy

What do I need to keep in mind for grant-related publications (print/digital)?

All funding-related publications, printed products and visual media (e.g. websites) should use one of the following two funding references:

  1. Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science as part of the Excellence Strategy of the German Federal and State Governments
  2. Funded as part of the Excellence Strategy of the German Federal and State Governments

Version 1 should be used first, unless there are good reasons for not doing so (e.g. word count limitations). The funding reference must be placed together with the logos of the BMBF and the MWK.

What are the guidelines for the use of funds?

The funds are tied to a specific purpose and must be spent in the areas for which they were applied for and granted. In case funds are used in a way that does not comply with the grant or the guidelines outlined here, we reserve the right to reclaim funds. The principles of cost effectiveness and economic efficiency in accordance with the State Budget Code (LHO) must be observed. The DFG's Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice - Code of Conduct must be followed.

What to consider when invoicing?

Invoicing will either be done via the Research and Excellence Strategy Department. In this case, please send us all invoices and receipts in the original, stating your funding code.

Alternatively, invoicing is carried out by the recipient of the funding. In this case, you will receive a project account (PSP) from us, which you can use to initiate imbursements yourself. Please note that no visible budget is provided on the account, but that account is balanced at the end of the year.

Please refer to your grant letter and the funding guidelines sent to you to find out which option applies to you.

What to note when hiring staff and/or support staff?

Recruitment of personnel and/or student assistants must be carried out at your institute and via the Human Resources Division of the University (or, for members of the University Hospital, via the Human Resources Division of the UKT). Please note that third-party fixed-term contracts of scientific staff are not possible with the funds.

For further information, please see our Guidelines for Recruitment & Accounting as well as the download page of the Human Resources Division of Division VI.2 – Human Resources, phone +49 7071 29-77708

Can work/fee contracts and fellowships also be funded?

The financing of contracts for work and services as well as payments of fees are possible after consultation with the Research and Excellence Strategy Division. Honorarium payments are possible for scientific lectures up to a maximum amount of EUR 289 (min. 1,5 hrs. lecture length) and for consulting activities up to EUR 302 (min. 2 hrs. event length), excluding travel expenses. The awarding of fellowships is only possible after consultation and exclusively to international scientists for a limited period of time.

Is there a teaching obligation for funded staff?

There is a basic teaching obligation for all academic staff financed by excellence funds.

The teaching obligation is, for example, 4 SWS for temporary hires with a qualification time limit (PhD students, Postdocs).

In case of part-time employment, the teaching obligation is reduced accordingly. In the case of crooked results (e.g. 65% E13 = 2.6 SWS), these must be stated exactly as they are in the hiring application; rounding is not permitted. Implementation in practice must be clarified at the faculty level.

There is capacity neutrality, i.e. the amount of teaching does not flow into the determination of the intake capacity of students but serves to improve the quality of teaching.

What should be considered for procurements/orders?

For individual expenses over EUR 500, at least three comparative offers obtained in advance must be included in the statement. Expenditures over EUR 5,000 must always be submitted via the Procurement Unit.

When purchasing goods or services within Germany or abroad, it is always mandatory to indicate the university's VAT identification number (DE812383453). A university address must also be used as the billing address.

Office supplies and other basic equipment (e.g. office PCs and related accessories, furniture, paper, toner, laboratory equipment, etc.) may not be purchased with these funds.

Orders for materials and project-related equipment must be placed according to the University’s procurement guidelines. Reimbursement of expenses will only be paid in exceptional cases and must be submitted for reimbursement in the same calendar year and within 6 months (including processing time) of the invoice date.

For further information, please see our Guidelines for Recruitment & Accounting as well as the download page of the Financial Division of Division VII.3 – Procurement, phone +49 7071 29-77742

Can I get reimbursed for entertainment costs?

Reimbursement of entertainment costs can only be paid if the majority of guests is not affiliated with the University of Tübingen (proof is to be provided by enclosing Anlage Teilnehmerliste Repräsentationsausgaben). Alcoholic beverages can only be reimbursed under certain conditions. Entertainment costs should not exceed the amount of EUR 40 per person/meal or EUR 60 per person/day. Tips are not refundable. In case of self-organised catering, costs for deposits or decoration material are not refundable.

For further information, please see our Guidelines for Recruitment & Accounting as well as the download page of the Financial Division of Division VII.1 – Finance Management, phone +49 7071 29-76491

Are all travel and accommodation expenses covered?

Only economy or 2nd class flight and train tickets may be invoiced. Preferably, the travel agency American Express Global Business Travel, Stuttgart should be used (on account, customer number 414508, de.landbw.travelspam prevention@amexgbt.com); in case of advance payment, other contractors can be chosen if a more favourable offer is available (comparative offers from the day of booking must be submitted with the invoice). Taxi costs can only be reimbursed if there are justified reasons for their use, e.g. no public transportation was available.

Accommodation costs up to EUR 95 per night (single room, incl. breakfast) can be reimbursed. Higher accommodation costs must be justified, for example by presenting comparative offers. Beginning from EUR 500 total costs, three comparative offers have to be submitted in any case.

Funding Guidelines 

In other respects, the Guidelines of the Landesreisekostengesetz (LRKG) apply. For further information, please see our Guidelines for Recruitment & Accounting as well as the download page of the Unit Internal Services and Organisation. Receipts for expenses must be submitted for reimbursement in the same calendar year and within 6 months (including processing time) of the invoice date.

More information: Division VI.1 – Internal Services and Organisation, phone +49 7071 29-72984

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