Excellence Strategy

Funding Opportunities

International Joint Summer Schools/Workshops

The Institutional Strategy of the University of Tübingen offers funding for joint summer schools or workshops with its cooperation partners of strategic importance. The focus of the event lies on the exchange on joint projects and on the consolidation of new collaborations.

Application details

International Exchange of Cooperation Partners (professorial level)

To promote the links between the University of Tübingen and its cooperation partners of strategic importance the Institutional Strategy supports the exchange of scientists on the professorial level. The aim of the short term visits during which either new cooperation projects are initiated or already existing ones strengthened is the application of joint third-party funded projects.

Application Details


This program aims to give young international academics the opportunity to become familiar with teaching and research at a German university and in addition to build professional ties or possibly to attain a position in a research group at the University. At the same time the University and especially its students benefit from an enriched selection of classes taught in English and the bonds with partner universities are intensified.

From the beginnings of the Teach@Tübingen Program in 2013 till the end of 2016 about seventy young academics were selected for the program in a competitive process and have stayed in Tübingen for one or two semesters. They taught classes in a variety of research fields and worked productively with their hosting Tübingen research groups.

Application details

Cooperation with the University of Maryland (USA)

The University of Maryland (UMD) and the University of Tuebingen run a very successful collaboration. The partners provide equal funding for joint teaching projects.

Projects in the Life and Natural Sciences are generously supported by the Reinhard Frank Foundation.

Following approval by two referees in a standardized process, projects run for two years. Participants are offered a consultation in the second year with a view to obtaining further funding for their projects.

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