Institute of Sports Science

Anna Katharina Frei

Institute of Sports Science
Hölderlinstraße 19
1st Floor, Room 101
  07071 29-77334

Main research

  • Preventive and intervention effects of exercise on mental disorders
  • Impementation and evaluation of the exercise intervention "ImPuls" for individuals with mental disorders

Current projects

Short vita

Research Fellowship for Doctoral Students of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil

Since 2021
PhD student and research assistant

University of Tübingen

Master’s degree Psychology

University of Tübingen

Bachelor’s degree Psychology

University of Tübingen

Selected publications

Journal articles

  • Wolf, S., Seiffer, B., Zeibig, J.-M., Frei, A. K., . . . Ehring, T. (2024). A transdiagnostic group exercise intervention for mental health outpatients in Germany (ImPuls): results of a pragmatic, multisite, block-randomised, phase 3 controlled trial. The Lancet Psychiatry. doi:10.1016/S2215-0366(24)00069-5
  • Fiedler, D. V., Rosenstiel, S., Zeibig, J.-M., Seiffer, B., Welkerling, J., Frei, A. K., . . . Wolf, S. (2023). Concept and study protocol of the process evaluation of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial to promote physical activity in outpatients with heterogeneous mental disorders—the ImPuls study. Trials, 24(1), 330. doi: 10.1186/s13063-023-07331-y
  • Zeibig, J.-M., Seiffer, B., Frei, A. K., Takano, K., Sudeck, G., Rösel, I., Hautzinger, M., & Wolf, S. (2023). Long-term efficacy of exercise across diagnostically heterogenous mental disorders and the mediating role of affect regulation skills, Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 64, 102340. doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2022.102340
  • Wolf, S., Seiffer, B., Zeibig, J.-M., Welkerling, J. Bauer, L. L., Frei, A. K., Studnitz, T., Rosenstiel, S., Fiedler, D. V., Helmhold, F., Ray, A., Herzog, E., Takano, K., Nakagawa, T., Kropp, S., Franke, S., Peters, S., El-Kurd, N., Zwanzleitner, L., Sundmacher, L., Ramos-Murguialday, A., Hautzinger, M., Sudeck, G., & Ehring, T. (2021). Efficacy and Cost-Effectiveness of a Transdiagnostic Group-Based Exercise Intervention: Study Protocol for a Pragmatic Multi-Site Randomized Controlled Trial, BMC Psychiatry, 21, 540. doi: 10.1186/s12888-021-03541-3

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