Institute of Sports Science

Research Line "Performance"

Competitive sports plays an important role in our society and involves multiple stakeholders. The research line “performance” covers interdisciplinary studies on performance-related topics – such as talent identification or the optimal design of sports leagues and competitions – and focusses on different levels including amateur sports, junior competitive sports and elite sports.


With their structured orientation, the departments of the Institute of Sports Science (IfS) offer the necessary core competencies for research in the field of performance. In this context cooperation with sports organisations is of great importance. Topics include the organisation and design of leagues and competitions as well as talent research.

Sport Economics, Sport Management & Media Research

The reasearch line Leagues & Competitions of Department I focuses on the organisation and design of sports leagues and competitions. Moreover, research on the effects of digitalization processes and 'new' forms of communication on the demand for sports are embedded in the research area Media & Management.


Sport psychology and Research Methods

Arbeitsbereich II

The performance perspective is investigated in Department II, especially in fields of competitive sports. The main research and work focuses on:

  • Talent research in sports: Identification and development of talents
  • Coach development: Coaching and Mediation
  • Cognition in sports: Diagnostics and physical activity
  • Applied Sport Psychology

Sports Biomechanics and Exercise Science

Arbeitsbereich III

Department III is concerned with research in a broad array of sports biomechanics and exercise science and focuses primarily on:

  • Motion analysis and performance diagnostics for the Olympic and junior team in the throwing disciplines shot-put, discus throw and javelin throw for the German Athletics Association
  • Biomechanical analysis for National and Regional teams in the athletic sprint and jumping disciplines in cooperation with the Stuttgart Olympic Centre
  • Physical performance diagnostics for paralympic cross-country skiers and biathletes of the Olympic and junior team of the German Disabled Sports Association at the Olympic Centre Black Forest in Freiburg
  • Development of equipment for force and inclination measurement for cross country ski poles (projects of the Federal Institute of Sport Science (BISp))
  • Development of sensors to measure Abwurfparametern in den Wurfdisziplinen (Mess-Speere, Messdisken mit Smart-Technologie auf IMU-Basis)


Social and Public Health Sciences

In the research area performance, various topics are researched from a social science and interdisciplinary perspective in Department IV. This includes projects from the:


Within the Interfaculty Research Institute for Sport and Physical Activity the area of competitive sports is researched in cooperation with the Department of Sports Medicine of the Medical Faculty. The Data Science and Sports Lab offers, furthermore, an adequate platform for further interdisciplinary research projects with reference to the research line performance.

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