Institute of Sports Science

Information for Candidates

The general requirements for acceptance onto the study programmes can be found on the pages of the particular majors. Admission is only possible for the winter semester - thus you cannot apply for the summer term.

For admission to Sports Science study, under the Satzung der Universität Tübingen für das Eignungsfestellungsverfahren des Studiums im Fach Sportwissenschaft, each study applicant (Bachelor, teacher training) must provide evidence of athletic capability for the study in the sports field at the University. This evidence takes the form of the sport aptitude test.

Change of university

Changing universities, associated with applying for a higher semester, is possible for the summer term (application deadline: January 15th). It requires prior clarification of how earlier course credits justify a classification in a higher semester. The success of such an application also depends on whether free study places are available. Hence, timely contact with the person responsible for your profile is recommended. [Contact]

Top athletes

As of winter semester 2011/2012, there is an application of admission for top athletes at the University of Tübingen. For majors with numerus clausus, the so-called “top athlete quota” was introduced. You will find information on this under top athletes support.

International students

Foreign applicants or Germans who acquired their general matriculation standard (Abitur) abroad, will find important information here.

Bachelor degree programmes

Sports science with the profile Sport Management (B.Sc.)

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Sports science with the profile Health Promotion (B.Sc.)

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Sports Science with the profile Media and Communication (B.Sc.)

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Physical Education Teacher at Gymnasium (grammar school) (B.Ed.)

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Master degree programmes

Sport Management (M.Sc.)
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Science (M.Sc.)

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Physical Eduaction Teacher at Gymnasium (grammar school) (M.Ed.)
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