Werner Reichardt Centrum für Integrative Neurowissenschaften (CIN)

CIN-NIPS-Asia Pacific Systems Neuroscience Symposium 2022

We were very happy to host the tenth CIN-NIPS Systems Neuroscience Symposium this year, which took place on March 7 and March 10, 2022. The event was online this time due to the pandemic situation, but it represents a continuous tradition of bilateral symposia between our institute and the National Institute for Physiological Sciences in Okazaki, Japan.

The symposium featured 20 speakers not just from the CIN and NIPS, as was traditionally the case, but also from Shanghai, Peking, and Kyoto. The symposium also featured a variety of topics, from social communication to motor control and novel methodologies. There were many engaged discussions of state-of-the-art science being done at the different institutes.

The inclusion of additional asian participants beyond our NIPS colleagues was very interesting, and it made the name of “CIN-NIPS-Asia Pacific Systems Neuroscience Symposium” more apt for the event.

We look forward to hosting our Asian colleagues in real life next year.

The Program

Monday, March 7, 2022

Germany China Japan Speaker
8:00 AM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM Welcome Address by Peter Thier (CIN) and Junichi Nabekura (NIPS)
      Session 1: Social Communication - Chair: Steffen Hage (CIN)
8:10 AM 3:10 PM 4:10 PM Lena Veit (CIN) Flexible contextual control over birdsong sequencing and structure
8:40 AM 3:40 PM 4:40 PM Cristina Risueno Segovia (CIN) Cardiovascular mechanisms underlying vocal behavior in freely moving macaque monkeys
8:55 AM 3:55 PM 4:55 PM Atsushi Noritake (NIPS) Neural mechanisms for social reward valuation and monitoring in the macaque brain
9:25 AM 4:25 PM 5:25 PM Michael Stettler (CIN) Investigation of the neural encoding of dynamic faces based on highly-realistic dynamic avatars
Coffee Break
      Session 2: Cognition and Memory - Chair: Keiichi Kitajo (NIPS)
9:55 AM 4:55 PM 5:55 PM Tianming Yang (ION) Monkey plays Pac-Man with compositional strategies and hierarchical decision-making
10:25 AM 5:25 PM 6:25 PM Ryo Sasaki (Kyoto) Optogenetic control of risk-return decision making in macaques
10:40 AM 5:40 PM 6:40 PM Keiichi Kitajo (NIPS) Metastable neural dynamics associated with flexible information processing in the human brain
11:10 AM 6:10 PM 7:10 PM Chengyu Li (ION) Brain-wide cell assembly dynamics underlying working memory
11:40 AM 6:40 PM 7:40 PM Cen Yang (PKU) Neuronal mechanism for flexible use of memory in the primate medial temporal lobe
11:55 AM 6:55 PM 7:55 PM Outlook for Next Session - Ziad Hafed
End of Day 1

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Germany China Japan Speaker
8:00 AM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM Introduction Day 2
      Session 3: Neuromethods - Chair: Atsushi Nambu (NIPS)
8:05 AM 3:35 AM 4:35 AM Alia Benali (CIN) Deciphering the dynamics of neuronal activity evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation in the rodent brain
8:50 AM 3:50 PM 4:50 PM Nevena Stajkovic (CIN) Minimal tags for site-specific fluorescent labeling of voltage-gated sodium channels in living neurons
      Session 4: Visual Processing and Perception - Chair: Aristides Arrenberg (CIN)
9:05 AM 4:05 PM 5:05 PM Yue Zhang (CIN) Motion receptive fields for optic flow processing in pretectum of fish
9:20 AM 4:20 PM 5:20 PM Ian Chong (CIN) Manipulation of gaze-following in macaque monkeys
Coffe Break
      Session 5: Motor Control - Chair: Hiromi Sano (NIPS)
10:05 AM 5:05 PM 6:05 PM Pimpimon Nondhalee (NIPS) Somatotopic reorganization of the sensorimotor cortex in Japanese macaques after accidental arm amputation
10:20 AM 5:20 PM 6:20 PM Reona Yamaguchi (Kyoto) Global disinhibition associated with recovery of hand movements after spinal cord injury
10:35 AM 5:35 PM 6:35 PM Daniel Häufle (CIN) Bridging computational motor control and biomechanics to predict human-exoskeleton interaction
11:05 AM 6:05 PM 7:05 PM Junya Inoue (CIN) Cerebellar complex spikes multiplex complementary behavioral information
11:20 AM 6:20 PM 7:20 PM Hiromi Sano (NIPS) Pathophysiological changes of the basal ganglia in Parkinson’s disease and drug addiction
11:50 AM 6:50 PM 7:50 PM Closing Remarks - Henry Evrard
End of Symposium

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