Neuronale Informationsverarbeitung

News Archive


Robert Geirhos wrote a blog post for the ML4Science blog

Title: "Do machines see like humans? They are getting closer"

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New article accepted for publication in the Journal of Vision

Title: "Deep neural networks for color classification and color constancy." by Alban Flachot, Arash…

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New abstract accepted as a poster at VSS 2022 from 13.05.-18.05.2022 in Florida, USA

Titel: "Estimating the perceived dimensionality of psychophysical stimuli using a triplet accuracy…

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New abstract accepted as a poster at VSS 2022 from 13.05.-18.05.2022 in Florida, USA

Title: "Using an Odd-One-Out Design Affects Consistency, Agreement and Decision Criteria in…

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New abstract accepted as a talk at VSS 2022 from 13.05.-18.05.2022 in Florida, USA

Title: "The bittersweet lesson: data-rich models narrow the behavioural gap to human vision" by…

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We have a new Master student: Johannes Hölscher

He started in October 2021 and will be doing his MSc thesis under the supervision of David Künstle…

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New article accepted to NeurIPS ImageNet PPF workshop 2021

Title: "ImageNet suffers from dichotomous data difficulty." by Kristof Meding, Luca M. Schulze…

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New article accepted to NeurIPS SVRHM workshop 2021

Titel: "Out-of-distribution robustness: Limited image exposure of a four-year-old is enough to…

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