- Guillermo Aguilar
TU Berlin
Talk at NIP on 27.10.2014: On the role of two-dimensional cues for perceived differences in slant
Visited NIP on 28./29.06.2018, on 17./18.12.2018, from 21.-24.01.2019, from 05.-08.10.2021, on 10./11.10.2022, from 05.-09.02.2024, on 11./12.04.2024, and on 19./20.09.2024 - Arash Akbarinia
Department of Psychology, Giessen University
Virtual talk at NIP on 01.12.2020: Contrast Sensitivity Function in Deep Networks - Nadja Althaus
University of East Anglia
Talk on 30.11.2016: Emerging words: tracking learning in infancy - Erhardt Barth
University of Lübeck
Talk on Manifold sensing @ Bethge Lab on 12.11.2013
Talk at NIP on 18.10.2016: Using saliency models for gaze control and object recognition. - Simon Barthelmé
Visited NIP on 14.03.2012 and on 23./24.06.2015 - Giacomo Bassetto
University of Padova
Visited JRG Macke and gave a talk in the NIP seminar room on 12.11.2013:
GPUs for Simulation - Jan Benda
Neurobiologie Tübingen
Talk at NIP on 16.01.2018: Sensory tuning does not match behavioral relevance of communication signals in free-living weakly electric fish - Pietro Berkes
Nagra, Kudelski, Lausanne
Visited NIP on 19./20.09.2024 - Marcelo Bertalmío
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Instituto de Óptica “Daza de Valdés"
Virtual talk at NIP on 15.12.2020: Evidence for the intrinsically nonlinear nature of receptive fields in vision
Visited NIP on 14./15.09.2022 - Torsten Betz
TU Berlin and BCCN Berlin
Visited NIP from 25.02.2013 until 01.03.2013 and from 12.05.2014 until 14.05.2014 - Daniel Braun
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics Tübingen
Talk at NIP on 24.06.2013: Model uncertainty and risk-sensitivity in sensorimotor learning and decision-making - Assaf Breska
MPI, Dynamic Cognition Group
Talk at NIP on 07.11.2023: The human cerebellum causally controls visual attention and perceptual sensitivity (in the time domain): insights from patient studies and computational models - Aenne Brielmann
University of Konstanz
Talk at NIP on 19.02.2014: Effects of expected value on eye movement accuracy - Laura Busse
CIN, Tübingen
Talk at NIP on 02.02.2016: Mice psychophysics - Steven Dakin
University College London, Institute of Ophthalmology
Bernstein lecture on 22.05.2014: Visual coding of local position - David Danks
Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Philosophy
Talk and workshop on 10./11.01.2019 at UKT Children's Hospital - Adele Diederich
School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Jacobs University Bremen
Bernstein lecture on 02.05.2013: Sequential sampling models for decision making - Michael Dorr
Schepens Eye Research Institute.
Talk at NIP on 06.11.2012: Eye movements and the perception of dynamic natural scenes - Benedikt Ehinger
University of Stuttgart
Virtual talk at NIP on 11.01.2022: Analyzing ERPs under naturalistic conditions: Overlap, non-linear effects, event durations and decoding - Vebjørn Ekroll
KU Leuven
Talk at NIP on 12.04.2016: What is the role of perceptual illusions in magic? - Ralf Engbert
University of Potsdam
Visited NIP on 14.03.2012, 20./21.02.2013, 28./29.01.2015, 23./24.06.2015 and on 24./25.11.2016 - Jose Esteve
Universitat de València
Visited NIP on 28./29.06.2018 - Alban Flachot
Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen
Visited NIP for 4 weeks in June 2018 - Matthias Franz
HTWG Konstanz
Visited NIP on 01.03.2013, 23.07.2013, 05.12.2013, 12.12.2014 and on 08.05.2015 - Peter Gehler
MPI Tübingen
Talk at NIP on 14.02.2017: Sparse high dimensional convolutional neural networks - Bill Geisler
University of Texas at Austin
Virtual talk at NIP on 23.11.2021: Visual Search in Natural and Other Complex Backgrounds - Robbe Goris
Center for Perceptual Systems, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA
Virtual talk at NIP on 08.12.2020: Uncertainty and introspection in the primate visual system - Moritz Grosse-Wentrup
University of Wien, Research Group Neuroinformatics
Visited NIP on 16.07.2024 - Stefan Harmeling
MPI for Intelligent Systems
Visited NIP on 06.11.2013 and on 04.06.2014 - Martin Hebart
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Virtual talk at NIP on 27.04.2021: The similarities and differences in representational dimensions underlying humans and deep neural networks - Elisabeth Hein
Psychologie, Universität Tübingen
Talk at NIP on 19.07.2016: Scene-based motion correspondence - Julian Heinrich
Universität Tübingen, Applied Bioinformatics
Talk at NIP on 26.04.2017: Parallel Coordinates - Alex Hernández
Talk at NIP on 30.07.2019: More than more data: undervalued advantages of data augmentation for deep learning and computational neuroscience - Michael Hirsch
MPI Tübingen
Talk at NIP on 29.11.2016: Learning to Deblur - Frank Jäkel
TU Darmstadt, Institut für Psychologie
Talk at the “Forschungskolloquium Kognitionswissenschaft” on 16.01.2020: Bayesian Reverse-Engineering of Perception and Cognition.
Talk at NIP on 18.07.2023: Criterion Learning in Signal Detection Models - Dominik Janzing
Amazon Science
Talk at NIP on 30.06.2014: Causality, on 19.12.2022: Causality, on 12.11.2024: All causal DAGs are wrong but some are useful - Zahra Kadkhodaie
New York University, Eero Simoncelli lab
Virtual talk at NIP on 26.01.2021: Solving linear inverse problems using the prior implicit in a denoiser - Steffen Katzner
CIN, Tübingen
Talk at NIP on 26.01.2016: Cortical visual processing in the context of behavior - Tim Kietzmann
University of Osnabrück
Virtual talk at NIP on 16.02.2021: Deep recurrent neural networks as a modelling framework for understanding the dynamic computations of human vision. - Simon Kornblith
Virtual talk at NIP on 15.02.2022: What can representational similarity tell us about neural networks? - Holger Krapp
Imperial College London
Talk at NIP on 02.06.2017: Biological design principles of sensorimotor reflexes in insects - Matthias Kümmerer
Bethge lab Tübingen
Talk at NIP on 18.11.2014: Theano - efficient numerical calculations in Python - Martin Lages
University of Glasgow, School of Psychology
Talk at NIP on 06.05.2015: On the Highs and Lows of Visual Perception
Virtual talk at NIP on 17.12.2024: A hierarchical signal detection model with unequal variance for binary responses - Melissa Le-Hoa Vo
Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Institut für Psychologie
Virtual talk at NIP on 11.05.2021: Reading Scenes: A Hierarchical View on Attentional Guidance in Real-World Environments - Bradley Love
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Virtual talk at NIP on 04.05.2021: Integrating Embedding Spaces - Andreas Lüschow
Charité Berlin
Visited NIP on 24.10.2012 - Marianne Maertens
TU Berlin
Talk at NIP on 11.12.2013: Context affects lightness at the level of surfaces
Visited NIP on 25./26.05.2017, 28./29.06.2018, on 17.12.2018, from 05.-07.10.2021, from 28.-30.06.2023, and on 11./12.04.2024 - Jesús Malo
Universitat de València
Visited NIP on 28./29.06.2018, from 05.-09.10.2021, on 14./15.09.2022 and on 29./30.11.2022 - Laurence T. Maloney
New York University (NYU)
Visited NIP on 12.12.2011
Virtual talk at NIP on 09.02.2021: The bounded rationality of probability distortion - Fred Mast
University of Bern
KogWis lecture on 06.12.2018: The Brain's Vestibular Network: From Sensory Inference to Mental Simulation - Tim S. Meese
Aston University, Birmingham
Virtual talk at NIP on 28.06.2022: Detection and perception of luminance contrast: mechanisms and metrics of early vision - Günter Meinhardt
Universität Mainz
Talk at NIP on 17.01.2017: Detection Features and their Combinations & Dichoptic Presentation - Hauke Meyerhoff
Leibniz-Institut Tübingen
Talk at NIP on 12.12.2017: Multiple Object Tracking: An Overview - Peter Neri
Laboratoire des Systèmes Perceptifs (UMR8248), École Normale Supérieure
Virtual talk at NIP on 22.06.2021: Computational psychophysics at the intersection of theory <-> data <-> models - Arne Ohlendorf
Tübingen Zeiss Vision Science Lab
Talk at NIP on 21.11.2014 about “The details of the optics of the human eye” - Meike Ramon
University of Lausanne, Institute of Psychology
Talk at NIP on 13.06.2023: Human Face Identity Processing - From Prosopagnosia to Super-Recognizers - Daniel Rathbun
Universitätsklinikum Tübingen,Institute for Ophthalmic Research
Visited NIP on 12.11.2013 - Kevin Reuter
University of Zurich,
Talk at NIP on 03.12.2024: Experimental Philosophy - Andy Rider
Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London
Virtual talk at NIP on 08.06.2021: Harmonic flicker induced colour shifts and nonlinear modelling - Gemma Roig
Computational Vision & Artificial Intellingence, Goethe University Frankfurt
Virtual talk at NIP on 26.04.2022: Task-specific DNN models and their relation for explaining different areas of the visual cortex - Bernhard Ronacher
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institute for Biology, Behavioural Physiology
Visited NIP on 22.05.2014 and gave a talk in the NIP seminar room: Processing of acoustic patterns by a small brain: grasshoppers use local but not global cues for song recognition - Pedro Rosas
works for "Pluralistic Networks" in Chile
Workshop @ NIP on 24.06./02.07./31.07.2024 - Lars Rothkegel
University of Potsdam
Visited NIP on 28./29.01.2015, 23./24.06.2015 and on 24./25.11.2016 - Constantin Rothkopf
TU Darmstadt
Virtual talk at NIP on 30.11.2021: From ideal observers to bounded actors through inverse optimal control - Maneesh Sahani
Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London
Bernstein lecture on 08.11.2012: Keeping one’s eye on the ball: Inferring latent dynamical state from ensemble neuronal activity. - Bilge Sayim
University of Bern
Virtual talk at NIP on 14.12.2021: Redundancy masking and information compression in the visual brain - Lynn Schmittwilken
TU Berlin
Talk at NIP on 15.11.2022: How fixational eye movements facilitate edge processing - Vinzenz Schönfelder
Mathew Diamond’s laboratory at the SISSA in Trieste, Italy.
Visited NIP from 24.-25.10.2013 - Inés Schönmann
Radboud University Nijmegen, Niederlande
Visited NIP on 10./11.10.2022 - Hannes Schröter
Psychologie, Universität Tübingen
Talk at NIP on 17.11.2015: Semantic influences on the processing of redundant signals - Heiko Schütt
University of Luxemburg
Virtual talk at NIP on 17.11.2020: A statistical look on representational similarity analysis
Visited NIP on 19./20.02.2024 - Dr. Lisa Schwetlick
EPFL Lausanne
Visited NIP on 19./20.09.2024
Talk at NIP on 28.01.2025: Spatiotemporal Context and Center-Surround Dynamics - Tamara Seybold
ARRI München
Talk at NIP on 10.05.2017: Professionelle Kameratechnik - Julia Seyfarth
Charité Berlin
Visited NIP on 24.10.2012 - Timo Speith
University of Bayreuth
Virtual talk at NIP on 18.05.2021: Ethical Issues of Artificial Intelligence - Manuel Spitschan
MPG Tübingen, Research Group Sensory and Circadian Neuroscience
Talk at NIP on 28.11.2023: Mechanisms underlying nonvisual responses to light in humans - Katarina Stingl
Universitätsklinikum Tübingen, Institute for Ophthalmic Research
Visited NIP on 12.11.2013 Katherine Storrs
University College London
Talk at NIP on 16.12.2013: What can aftereffects tell us about high-level vision?Carolin Strobl
Universität Zürich
Virtual talk at NIP on 30.01.2024: What makes a good simulation study for methods comparisons?- Tom Sühr
MPI-IS Tübingen
Talk at NIP on 14.01.2025: Psychology of LLMs: Challenging the Validity of Personality Tests for LLMs - Niko Troje
Queen's University Kingston, Canada
Talk at NIP on 13.05.2015: What is biological motion? - Hans Trukenbrod
University of Potsdam
Visited NIP on 14.03.2012, 23./24.06.2015 and on 24./25.11.2016 - Rolf Ulrich
Psychologie, Universität Tübingen
Talk at NIP on 21.06.2016: Internal reference model - Nora Umbach
University of Tübingen
Talk at NIP on 25.02.2013: Dimensionality of the Perceptual Space of Achromatic Surface Colors - Jan Jaap van Assen
Netherlands Labour Authority
Virtual talk at NIP on 21.06.2022: Perception of visual flow across optical contexts and in collective motion. - Shravan Vasishth
University of Potsdam
Talk at NIP on 07.06.2016: Linear mixed models - Jonathan Victor
Weill Cornell Medicine, New York
Virtual talk at NIP on 13.12.2022: The perceptual spaces of low-level features and objects - Eric-Jan Wagenmakers
University of Amsterdam
Bernstein lecture on 26.04.2012: Not so Fast! Premature Conclusions in Cognitive Neuroscience - Tom Wallis
Visited NIP on 31.05.2012, talk at NIP on 12.01.2016: Peripheral sensitivity to naturalistic textures and on 03.02.2023: Artificial neural networks as approximate ideal observer models - Joachim Weber
Charité Berlin
Visited NIP on 24.10.2012 - Bei Xiao
Bei's website
Visiting Professor @ NIP from 06.06.2014 until 20.08.2014 - Fan Zhang
University of Delft
Talk at NIP on 15.12.2016: Visual perception of canonical material modes and its interactions with canonical lighting modes - Tiziano Zito
TU Berlin
Visited NIP from 11.-12.12.2013, on 19.09.2014, 25.05.2017, 26./27.09.2017, 24.-26.10.2017,26.02.-01.03.2018, 11./12.07.2018, 02.03.2020, and on 19./20.09.2024 - Eberhart Zrenner
Universitätsklinikum Tübingen, Institute for Ophthalmic Research
Visited NIP on 12.11.2013