Neuronale Informationsverarbeitung

Psignifit - Research Publications

The following publications describe our fitting and bootstrapping techniques, and report the results of the investigations that we have carried out using the psignifit software:


Perception and Psychophysics Papers

The versions of our two papers available here are now the same as those that are published in Perception & Psychophysics. A more detailed and up-to-date account of our methods, along with various tests of their accuracy and extensions of some of the sampling issues addressed in paper II, are to be found in Hill's (2001) doctoral thesis.

Paper I
Wichmann, F. A. & Hill, N. J.
The psychometric function: I. Fitting, sampling and goodness-of-fit.
Perception and Psychophysics 63(8), 1293-1313.

wichmann_hill_2001a.pdf283.0 kB

Paper II
Wichmann, F. A. & Hill, N. J. (2001b):
The psychometric function: II. Bootstrap-based confidence intervals and sampling. Perception and Psychophysics 63(8), 1314-1329.

440.2 kB

VSS Poster

Hill, N. J. (2001a):
An Investigation of Confidence Interval Methods for the Thresholds and Slopes of Psychometric Functions.

Poster presented at the first annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Sarasota, FL, USA.

192.2 kB

Reports the results of Monte Carlo simulations which compared several different interval methods (probit methods and variations on the bootstrap) under 2AFC conditions with lapse rate included as a nuisance parameter. The results presented in the poster are a small subset of those presented in chapter 3 of the thesis.

Doctoral Thesis

Hill, N.J. (2001b):
Testing Hypotheses about Psychometric Functions - an investigation of some confidence interval methods, their validity, and their use in the evaluation of optimal sampling strategies.

D. Phil. thesis, University of Oxford, UK.

This study contains the most detailed account of our methods to date. It reports developments of the bootstrap confidence interval methods described in the two P & P papers, along with extensive tests of their accuracy in a number of different situations. It was accepted as a doctoral thesis by the appropriate faculty board in January 2002.

The report is available for download in the following forms:

Adobe PDF:Plain text:
Abstract only
(1 page / 350 words)
46.2 kB
2.5 kB
Extended Abstract
only (10 pages)
110.5 kB
Complete document
(284 pages)
2.6 MB


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