Neuronale Informationsverarbeitung

How to register for an exam

This page contains important information regarding the exam registration—please read it carefully and follow the instructions closely!

Short Version

You have to register for the exam in ALMA.
AND: You have to register for the exam on the ILIAS exam server.

  1. Register for the exam in Alma ASAP—for some students, e.g. exchange students or some non-cognitive science students, registration in Alma may not possible. If, for whatever reason, you cannot register for the exam in Alma, immediately send an email to Verena Seibold and politely ask her to help you.
  2. You can register in Alma at the latest until 23:59 on the day before the exam; you are strongly adviced to register much earlier to avoid problems in case you find you cannot register yourself (see point no. 1 above).
  3. Should you decide not to write the exam after you have successfully registered yourself in Alma, you have to deregister yourself—at the latest until 23:59 on the day before the exam. If you are registered for the exam and fail to deregister yourself, this will be counted as a failed attempt (grade 5.0). Of course the University rules regarding illness and exams apply: If you provide me with a doctor's note within three working days of the exam your failure will be revoked. In this case please also inform your responsible examination office. If you are unsure whom to contact, please consult the following website listing the responsible contact persons for all subjects: central examinations office
  4. Register for the exam on the ILIAS exam server—yes, in addition to the registration in Alma, you have to register for the exam a second time on ILIAS! As soon as the link to the ILIAS exam server is available—named Exam-Registration-Link—it will be posted on the first (landing) page of your course on ILIAS. After clicking on the link in ILIAS, find the course for which exam you want to register for in the shown list of courses and then join it. (This step is crucial to ensure there are no technical glitches with your account on the exam server. Furthermore, it allows the online exam team of the University to reserve a laptop for you to use during the exam.)
  5. After successful registration for the exam on ILIAS you should have a look at the Lernmodul „Technische Einführung zu den E-Prüfungen“. This provides you with information about the Chromebooks you will be using in the exam and how to change some of the settings (e.g. language).


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