Neuronale Informationsverarbeitung

Bachelor and Master Theses

Please note that neither Felix Wichmann nor any NIP scientist will respond to non-personalised applications that appear as if they are being sent to a large number of places simultaneously.

How do I write my Bachelor or Master Thesis in the Neural Information Processing Group? 

We offer BSc and MSc theses in the context of our current research. We typically do not maintain a list of pre-prepared thesis projects but try and create research projects matching your interests with those of the researchers in our group. If you are interested in doing your BSc or MSc thesis with us please follow the steps below:

  • To do research with us you need to have a solid cognitive science or psychology background (perception, cognition) as well as good knowledge in statistics and programming (MATLAB or python). Ideally you have also prior experience in machine learning. If you don't, please take the relevant courses before applying to work with us.
  • Familiarise yourself with our latest research (last three to five years). You find all our publications here. Read the papers that you find most interesting in detail and write down your own comments and think about potential extensions.
  • Send an email to Prof. Felix Wichmann describing your research interests and project ideas. Mention the papers you find most interesting and, very important, include your comments on them to show that you have read them thoroughly! In addition please attach your CV to the email.

We will then try and match your interest to one of our research projects.

Previous BSc- and MSc students and their theses

Open Master Thesis

Our psychophysical experiments need precise stimuli, which are presented through monitors or projectors. These need to be calibrated at first. We could show, that among others, temperature does play a major role in calibration. To diminish this influence, some monitor's and projector's temperature dependencies will be evaluated.

We use specialized software (Psychopy) to supply high resolution stimuli. For measurements, we use  precision devices (photometer, spectrometer, luminance camera), and for evaluation statistical methods (probability distributions, Gaussian processes for model fitting).

If you enjoy precision measurements, practical Python programming, and applied statistical methods, then please apply for a master thesis (starting right now, summer 2024 the latest) with Dr. Uli Wannek.


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