Neuronale Informationsverarbeitung

PhD & PostDoc

Two-year PostDoc position available in our group to work on human vision and deep neural networks. 

We want to use insights from human vision to improve the robustness and data efficiency of artificial networks. To achieve this goal, we are particularly interested in understanding nonlinear computations in the early stages of the human visual system. The research is part of a collaboration with Marcelo Bertalmío (Madrid) and Jesús Malo (Valencia). For details of the research and the application process please download the PDF.

Please note that neither Felix Wichmann nor any NIP scientist will respond to non-personalised applications that appear as if they are being sent to a large number of places simultaneously.

Felix Wichmann is always happy to receive outstanding applications for PhD positions and postdocs. To apply simply send an email to Prof. Felix Wichmann describing your research interests and project ideas. In addition please attach your CV to the email.

Previous PostDocs and PhD students and their theses


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