IFIB – Interfakultäres Institut für Biochemie

Filarsky group - biochemistry of cellular systems

In our lab we are fascinated by how the eukaryotic malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum employs sophisticated networks of interacting proteins and regulatory non-coding RNA molecules to control the organization and expression of its genome. To study these processes, we use a multidisciplinary approach combining genetics, epigenomics, biochemistry and imaging technologies. The ultimate goal of our research is to understand how the parasites can control their cell cycle progression, by translating adaptive signals from their environment into changes of chromatin structure and gene expression. 
To achieve this goal, the biggest asset for our research are postdocs and students. They are the new frontiers and the driving force of innovation and discovery. The vision for my group is therefore, to provide an environment free of barriers—financial, technological, as well as intellectual—where young scientists can develop their ideas, collaborate freely, and learn all the aspects needed for a scientific career.

Key research questions: 

  • How is the expression of lncRNAs controlled?
  • What roles do lncRNAs play in the epigenetic control of gene expression and cell cycle control?
  • What is the molecular machinery governing chromatin dynamics in P. falciparum?

News and jobs

My group is always happy to receive strong applications, be it for postdoc, PhD, or a masters project. A high level of motivation, tendency to think out of the box, dedication to experiments, openness to learn new techniques, and a collaborative and supportive mindset are requirements. Experience in RNA biology, chromatin biology, biochemistry and working with P. falciparum are certainly advantages. 

Interested? Please send your application to:  michael.filarskyspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de


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