IFIB – Interfakultäres Institut für Biochemie


Wichers JS, Wunderlich J, Heincke D, Pazicky S, Strauss J, Schmitt M, Kimmel J, Wilcke L, Scharf S, von Thien H, Burda PC, Spielmann T, Löw C, Filarsky M, Bachmann A, Gilberger TW (2021) Identification of novel inner membrane complex and apical annuli proteins of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Cell Microbiol. e13341. doi: 10.1111/cmi.13341.

Geiger M, Brown C, Wichers JS, Strauss J, Lill A, Thuenauer R, Liffner B, Wilcke L, Lemcke S, Heincke D, Pazicky S, Bachmann A, Löw C, Wilson DW, Filarsky M, Burda PC, Zhang K, Junop M, Gilberger TW (2020) Structural Insights Into PfARO and Characterization of its Interaction With PfAIP. J Mol Biol. 432(4):878-896. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2019.12.024

Filarsky M, Fraschka SA, Niederwieser I, Brancucci NMB, Carrington E, Carrió E, Moes S, Jenoe P, Bártfai R, Voss TS (2018) GDV1 induces sexual commitment of malaria parasites by antagonizing HP1-dependent gene silencing. Science 359:1259–1263. doi: 10.1126/science.aan6042

Fraschka SA, Filarsky M, Hoo R, Niederwieser I, Yam XY, Brancucci NMB, Mohring F, Mushunje AT, Huang X, Christensen PR, Nosten F, Bozdech Z, Russell B, Moon RW, Marti M, Preiser PR, Bártfai R, Voss TS (2018) Comparative Heterochromatin Profiling Reveals Conserved and Unique Epigenome Signatures Linked to Adaptation and Development of Malaria Parasites. Cell Host and Microbe 23:407–420.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2018.01.008

Maldonado R, Filarsky M, Grummt I, Längst G (2018) Purine– and pyrimidine–triple-helix-forming oligonucleotides recognize qualitatively different target sites at the ribosomal DNA locus. RNA 24:371–380. doi: 10.1261/rna.063800.117

Ngwa CJ, Kiesow MJ, Papst O, Orchard LM, Filarsky M, Rosinski AN, Voss TS, Llinás M, Pradel G (2017) Transcriptional Profiling Defines Histone Acetylation as a Regulator of Gene Expression during Human-to-Mosquito Transmission of the Malaria Parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Front Cell Infect Microbiol 7:1600347. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2017.00320

Filarsky M, Zillner K, Araya I, Villar-Garea A, Merkl R, Längst G, Németh A (2015) The extended AT-hook is a novel RNA binding motif. RNA biology 12:864–876. doi: 10.1080/15476286.2015.1060394

Zillner K, Filarsky M, Rachow K, Weinberger M, Längst G, Németh A (2013) Large-scale organization of ribosomal DNA chromatin is regulated by Tip5. Nucleic Acids Res 41:5251–5262. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkt218

Weigert J, Neumeier M, Wanninger J, Filarsky M, Bauer S, Wiest R, Farkas S, Scherer MN, Schäffler A, Aslanidis C, Schölmerich J, Buechler C (2010) Systemic chemerin is related to inflammation rather than obesity in type 2 diabetes. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 72:342–348. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2265.2009.03664.x

Weigert J, Obermeier F, Neumeier M, Wanninger J, Filarsky M, Bauer S, Aslanidis C, Rogler G, Ott C, Schäffler A, Schölmerich J, Buechler C (2010) Circulating levels of chemerin and adiponectin are higher in ulcerative colitis and chemerin is elevated in Crohn's disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis 16:630–637. doi: 10.1002/ibd.21091

Huang KY, Filarsky M, Padula MP, Raftery MJ, Herbert BR, Wilkins MR (2009) Micropreparative fractionation of the complexome by blue native continuous elution electrophoresis. Proteomics 9:2494–2502. doi: 10.1002/pmic.200800525 

Weigert J, Neumeier M, Wanninger J, Schober F, Sporrer D, Weber M, Schramm A, Wurm S, Stögbauer F, Filarsky M, Schäffler A, Aslanidis C, Schölmerich J, Buechler C (2009) Adiponectin upregulates monocytic activin A but systemic levels are not altered in obesity or type 2 diabetes. Cytokine 45:86–91. doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2008.10.017

Weigert J, Neumeier M, Wanninger J, Wurm S, Kopp A, Schober F, Filarsky M, Schäffler A, Zeitoun M, Aslanidis C, Buechler C (2008) Reduced response to adiponectin and lower abundance of adiponectin receptor proteins in type 2 diabetic monocytes. FEBS Lett 582:1777–1782. doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.2008.04.031


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