IFIB – Interfakultäres Institut für Biochemie

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Schulze-Osthoff group

Research Topics

  • we investigate several regulators of apoptosis and alternate cell death modes,
  • characterize cellular senescence as a tumor suppressor and immune-modulatory mechanism,
  • explore new regulators of transcription factor NF-κB,
  • study the involvement of stress pathways in the reprogramming of differentiated cells to induced pluripotent stem cells,
  • elucidate the correlation between DNA damage, DNA repair, stem cell differentiation and cell death,
  • conduct translational projects using novel biomarkers of cell death and senescence for monitoring anticancer treatment and tissue damage.

Schwarzer group - chemical biology

All eukaryotes organize their genomes in the form of chromatin, a complex of DNA and dedicated packing proteins, so-called histones. In addition to compacting DNA, chromatin regulates the activity of encoded genes through posttranslational modifications of the histone proteins. Deciphering the complex crosstalk between histone modifications and gene activity represents a central challenge for biomedical science. Our group is developing and using chemical tools to study the physiological function of posttranslational histone modifications. To this end we combine methods from chemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology to probe a wide range of chromatin factors including chromatin binding proteins and histone-modifying enzymes.

Stafforst group - Chemical Biology & Biochemistry of Nucleic Acids

Nucleic acids are fantastic molecules. Due to their unique base pairing properties, hybridization between nucleic acids is highly predictable and thus rationally programmable. We develop artifical, RNA-guided machines with the intention to create practical tools for the study and control of basic biochemical processes like RNA processing, translation, or epitranscriptomics. To achieve our goals, we combine chemistry with biotechnology and create tools that we optimize for application inside cells and living organisms.

Stehle group - structural biology

Research topics

Wimmers group – Systems Immunology Lab

In our lab, we answer questions in fundamental and translational immunology using systems biology tools. Our goal is to understand how the immune system fights cancer and infections and what happens when it is forced to battle both at the same time. The Systems Immunology Lab provides a nurturing environment for students to explore and grow their interests and abilities. We aim to help students become confident, creative, and independent researchers and thinkers. Our lab brings together members with diverse expertise, including immunology, cancer, epigenomics, and computational biology. 

Learn more on our LabWebsite


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