IFIB – Interfakultäres Institut für Biochemie

Key to access the building

Go to the internal pages, fill in the key application (Antrag auf Schlüsselausgabe), and have it signed first by your boss and then by Klaus Möschel. Then take the form and you ID card/passport to Mrs. Farger (Hörsaalzentrum Morgenstelle, Raum 8E12, Mo-Fr 8-10h, Tel.:74852) where you will get the electronic key. Its function automatically expires with your contract. Before leaving Tübingen, please return your key to Mrs. Farger or the IFIB administration office. Otherwise, it will cost you 50€.

Connecting to the internet, editing web pages

On the internal pages, you can find an application for computer services / Antrag auf EDV-Dienstleistungen. Please fill in the form and hand it to Luis Hartmann. It will usually take no more than a day until you get a response.

Staff badge / Bedienstetenausweis

The ZDV has a form to apply for the staff badge which contains a chip that can be used to borrow books from the central libraries. It can also be charged with money to pay for food and drink in the university canteens and cafeterias. Hand in the completed form along with a picture.

Parking permit / Parkausweis

Fill in the form for a parking permit (Antrag auf Parkberechtigung für Beschäftigte Süd-Parkplatz). Submit the Word/PDF application to the administration. Note that the permit is only valid for 1 year (June to June). Please renew it in time by calling Ms Wachendorfer (tel.: 74597).

Technical problems in lecture halls and seminar rooms

If you experience problems using the projector, PCs, or audio equipment for lectures and seminars please contact Luis Hartmann (72457). If the projector is broken, please call the lecture hall center (Hörsaalzentrum) directly under 73390.

Leakages, heating,..

The TBA is responsible for the building and its hardware. 76444 is its 24h hotline. Contact persons in the building are Klaus Möschel and Luis Hartmann. Please inform Klaus Möschel, even if you have notified the TBA already.

Building permits / Bauantrag

Please ask the IFIB administration for the necessary forms. They are available also in an electronic format to fill in and print out. Return them to the administration to be signed and passed on to the building office (Bauamt) of the city.

My question is not answered here. What do I do?

If your questions is not answered above, contact the following people depending on the type of issue that you have:


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