IFIB – Interfakultäres Institut für Biochemie


Master guide

Your guide to the Master of Biochemistry at the University of Tübingen: degree overview, all the juicy details, available modules, the advanced biochemistry lecture series, current topics, tips on lab selection, information regarding grades, master thesis, and much, much more.

Download the Master Guide

Guide for international students

Your guide to Tübingen and its university: admission, housing, pre-semester activites, studying, arrival, and student life. Also, see the international download area for more.

Download the PDF.

Master calendar

An electronic calendar, you can synchronize your devices with, containing all dates relevant to the Master of Biochemistry. Up-to-date information regarding the start and end of term, lectures, modules, and special events. To subscribe press the [ + Calendar ] button at the bottom right of the page.

Go the online master calendar.

Learning platform ILIAS

We have compiled comprehensive resources to support your with everything regarding the master. This includes an overview of the courses offered as part of the master, the formal requirements of the degree, recommended labs, outside courses and lectures, as well as transfer skill and career information. Once you are a student with us, log in and follow the links below:


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