IFIB – Interfakultäres Institut für Biochemie

upcoming events

("Thanks god it is Thursday", an informal get-together)
Hi all!
The Jansen people are deligted to organize the TGIT (Thank God its thursday!) this month on 31st of Aug. We had a look at the weather forcast and realized that it's going to rain on Thursday :(.
So we 'll be arranging pizza and drinks for everyone on 31st of August (tomorrow) starting from 17:30hr at IFIB CASINO (so that we can also play kicker matches in between :) ).
It 'll be really helpful if you can follow the doodle link (https://doodle.com/poll/3hk8s44byfk4crrd) and specify your preferred kind of pizza (veg/non-veg) by 3pm tomorrow.
Please try not to miss it !
Best wishes,
AG Jansen


Joyita Mukherjee, PhD Student
RNA Localization

IFIB Retreat
The next IFIB Retreat will take place from 5th to 7th April 2017 at the Waldhotel ZollernBlick.
The program is online!
Dear all,
There have been some changes for the registration for the IFIB Retreat (those of you that have already registered, don't need to register again). The deadline to register for the retreat is still February 3rd and you can do it with the following link: registration IFIB Retreat
Now you don't need to submit any abstract for the registration. The abstract has to be submitted in the following link by March 1st: abstract submission
All types of scientific contributions (both talk and poster) need to submit an abstract. We expect to have 1 scientific talk and 1 general talk per group, but the organizing team will make the final decision depending on the number of participants.
We're looking forward to your participation at the IFIB Retreat!
Best wishes,
IFIB Retreat Organizing Team
Aida Peña
Fabronia Murad
Hyazinth Dobrowinski
Joana Tavares Macedo
Joyita Mukherjee
Matthew Cheng
Michael Paolillo
Niklas Bayer
Tobias Merkle

IFIB Soccer Match
We will play a game of soccer at WHO on Thursday, June 30th at 18:00.
Contact info - Jatzek Dobrowinski - AG Feil
hyazinth.dobrowinskispam prevention@ifib.uni-tuebingen.de

We will have another BBQ night on Thursday, July 14th at 17:30.
We start with a short info on the GRASP Biochem program in the small lecture hall of the IFIB at 17:30 (This is obligatory for the members of the program. But, all IFIB PhD students are highly welcome to get informed about interesting offers for their career development.)
We look forward to seeing you there.
Contact info for the barbecue - Joana Tavares - AG Stehle
joana.tavares-macedospam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Contact info for the GRASP Biochem:
ideas for events, news: graspbiochemspam prevention@ifib.uni-tuebingen.de
formalities: elisabeth.fussspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de​​​​​​​


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