Institut für Astronomie & Astrophysik


September 2016
Christian Malacaria
X-ray spectral and timing properties of the High Mass X-ray Binaries GX 304-1 and Vela X-1

Januar 2016
Sara Saeedi
X-ray Population Study of the Draco Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy

Oktober 2015
Alejandro Guzman
Performances of the EUSO mission with neutrinos and other primaries

Juli 2015
Sebastian Diebold
Development and Testing of Instrumentation for Space-Based Ultraviolet and X-Ray Astronomy

Juli 2015
Henning Wende
Next Generation Data Processing for Future X-ray Observatories

Februar 2015
Daniel Maier
Development of a stacked detector system and its application as an X-ray polarimeter

Dezember 2014
Daniela Bohl
Accretion regimes in the X-ray binary systems A 0535+26 and Her X-1/HZ Her

Dezember 2014
Gabriele Warth
Studies of the Hot Interstellar Medium in the Large Magellanic Cloud

Oktober 2014
Thomas Mernik
The Expected Angular Resolution of the JEM-EUSO Mission

Juli 2014
Benjamin Mück
Low-mass X-ray binary studies with XMM-Newton

September 2013
Francesco Fenu
A Simulation Study of the JEM-EUSO Mission for the Detection of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays

August 2012
Stefan Schwarzburg
A Mirror Alignment Control System for Phase II of the HESS Experiment and A Morphology Study of HESSJ1837-069

Juli 2012
Davide Vasco
Analysis of X-Ray Observations of the Binary Hercules X-1

Mai 2011
Victor Doroshenko
Magnetic fields of accreting pulsars

November 2009
Agnes Irene Dorothee Hoffmann
Analysis of hard X-ray emission from selected very high energy gamma-ray sources observed with INTEGRAL

November 2009
Michael Martin
Development of high throughput X-ray instrumentation for fast timing studies

April 2009
Isabel Caballero Doménech
X-ray observations of the accreting Be/X-ray binary pulsar A 0535+26 in outburst

August 2008
Sonja Fritz
X-ray observations of black hole and neutron star binary systems

August 2008
Jan-Christoph Tenzer
Monte-Carlo Background Studies for Space-Based Detectors in X-ray Astronomy

Dezember 2007
Dmitry Klochkov
X-ray observations of the accreting pulsars Her X-1 and EXO 2030+375

Juli 2007
Gabriele Schönherr
Strong magnetic fields of accreting neutron stars - Modeling cyclotron resonance scattering features

März 2006
Stefania Carpano
X-ray properties of NGC 300 point sources detected with XMM-Newton and their optical counterparts

September 2004
Martin Stuhlinger
Analyses of Quasar 3C273 using XMM-Newton and RXTE

September 2004
Kolja Giedke
Das Maranofeld mit XMM-Newton

August 2004
Eckart Göhler
Beobachtung von kompakten Objekten mit XMM und RXTE. Der anormale Pulsar 1E 1048.1 5937 und der Polar RX J1940.1 1025

Juni 2004
Ingo Kreykenbohm
X-ray spectra of highly magnetized neutron stars in binary systems

Juni 2004
Thomas Gleissner
X-ray and Radio Variability of Cygnus X-1

November 2003
Markus Kuster
Combined Spectral and Temporal Analysis of a Her X-1 Turn-On

August 2003
Sara Benlloch
Long-term X-ray variability of Active Galactic Nuclei and X-ray Binaries

Mai 2003
Marc Patrick Risse
Temporale und spektrale Untersuchungen des Röntgendoppelsternsystems Her X-1/HZ Herculis

Februar 2003
Katja Pottschmidt
Accretion Disk Weather of Black Hole X-Ray Binaries - The Case of Cygnus X-1

Januar 2003
Marcus Kirsch
In-Orbit-Kalibration der EPIC-pn-Kamera auf XMM-Newton in hoch zeitauflösenden Modes und Pulsphasenspektroskopie des Crab-Pulsars

Mai 1999
Heiko Groeneveld
Design, Simulation und Optimierung kodierter Aperturen

Mai 1998
Ralf Geckeler
Akkretionsgeometrie und Synchronisation beim Polar RX J1940.1-1025

April 1998
Jörn Wilms
X-Rays From Galactic Black Holes: Theory and Observation

April 1998
Fabian Rother
Modellierung eines Samples radiolauter Aktiver Galaxienkerne

Oktober 1997
Michael König
Zeitvariabilität in Aktiven Galaxien

Mai 1997
Frank Krull
Soft X-ray excess in Aktiven Galaxienkernen

Mai 1996
Georg Lamer
Die Röntgenspektren der BL Lacertae-Objekte und Identifikation

April 1996
Peter Kretschmar
Hochenergieröntgenspektren der akkretierenden Röntgenpulsare Vela X-1 und A0535+26

Februar 1996
Mathias Kunz
Hexe-Beobachtungen des Röntgenpulsars HER X-1


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