Physikalisches Institut


*indicates equal contribution


A superconducting on-chip microwave cavity for tunable hybrid systems with optically trapped Rydberg atoms.
B. Wilde, M. Kaiser, M. Reinschmidt, A. Günther, D. Koelle, J. Fortágh, R. Kleiner, and D. Bothner.
arXiv: 2410.23269


Extracting the current-phase relation of a monolithic three-dimensional nanoconstriction using a dc-current-tunable superconducting microwave cavity.
K. Uhl, D. Hackenbeck, D. Koelle, R. Kleiner, and D. Bothner.
Physical Review Applied 22, 064052 (2024)

Photon Pressure with an Effective Negative Mass Microwave Mode.
I. C. Rodrigues, G. A. Steele, and D. Bothner.
Physical Review Letters 132, 203603 (2024)

Niobium quantum interference microwave circuits with monolithic three-dimensional nanobridge junctions.
K. Uhl, D. Hackenbeck, J. Peter, R. Kleiner, D. Koelle, and D. Bothner.
Physical Review Applied 21, 024051 (2024)


Apparent nonlinear damping triggered by quantum fluctuations. 
M. F. Gely, A. Sanz Mora, S. Yanai, R. van der Spek, D. Bothner, and G. A. Steele.
Nature Communications 14, 7566 (2023)

A flux-tunable YBa2Cu3O7 quantum interference microwave circuit.
K. Uhl, D. Hackenbeck, C. Füger, R. Kleiner, D. Koelle, and D. Bothner.
Applied Physics Letters 122, 182603 (2023)


Parametrically enhanced interactions and nonreciprocal bath dynamics in a photon-pressure Kerr amplifier.
I. C. Rodrigues, G. A. Steele, and D. Bothner.

Science Advances 8, eabq1690 (2022)

Cavity driven Rabi oscillations between Rydberg states of atoms trapped on a superconducting atom chip.
M. Kaiser, C. Glaser, L. Y. Ley, J. Grimmel, H. Hattermann, D. Bothner, D. Koelle, R. Kleiner, D. Petrosyan, A. Günther, and J. Fortagh.
Physical Review Research 4, 013207 (2022)

Four-wave-cooling to the single phonon level in Kerr optomechanics.
D. Bothner*, I. C. Rodrigues*, and G. A. Steele.
Communications Physics 5, 33 (2022)


Level attraction and idler resonance in a strongly driven Josephson cavity.
F. Fani Sani, I. C. Rodrigues, D. Bothner, and G. A. Steele.
Physical Review Research 3, 043111 (2021)

Cooling photon-pressure circuits into the quantum regime.
I. C. Rodrigues*, D. Bothner*, and G. A. Steele.
Science Advances 7, eabg6653 (2021)

Photon-pressure strong coupling between two superconducting circuits.
D. Bothner*, I. C. Rodrigues*, and G. A. Steele.
Nature Physics 17, 85-91 (2021)


Current detection using a Josephson parametric upconverter.
F. E. Schmidt, D. Bothner, I. C. Rodrigues, M. F. Gely, M. D. Jenkins and G. A. Steele.
Physical Review Applied 14, 024069 (2020)

Cavity electromechanics with parametric mechanical driving.
D. Bothner, S. Yanai, A. Iniguez-Rabago, M. Yuan, Ya. M. Blanter, and G. A. Steele.
Nature Communications 11, 1589 (2020)

Optomechanical microwave amplification without mechanical amplification.
M. A. Cohen*, D. Bothner*, Ya. M. Blanter, and G. A. Steele.
Physical Review Applied 13, 014028 (2020)


Coupling microwave photons to a mechanical resonator using quantum interference.
I. C. Rodrigues*, D. Bothner*, and G. A. Steele.
Nature Communications 10, 5359 (2019)

Tunable Superconducting Two-Chip Lumped Element Resonator.
B. Ferdinand, D. Bothner, R. Kleiner, and D. Koelle.
Physical Review Applied 11, 034050 (2019)

Bimodal Phase Diagram of the Superfluid Density in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Revealed by an Interfacial Waveguide Resonator.
N. Manca, D. Bothner, A. M. Monteiro, D. Davidovikj, Y. G. Saglam, M. D. Jenkins, M. Gabay, G. A. Steele, and A. Caviglia.
Physical Review Letters 122, 036801 (2019)


Nature of the Lamb shift in weakly anharmonic atoms: From normal-mode splitting to quantum fluctuations.
M. F. Gely, G. A. Steele, and D. Bothner.
Physical Review A 98, 053808 (2018)

Superconducting coplanar microwave resonators with operating frequencies up to 50 GHz.
D. S. Rausch, M. Thiemann, M. Dressel, D. Bothner, D. Koelle, R. Kleiner, and M. Scheffler.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51, 465301 (2018)

Angle-dependent electron spin resonance of YbRh2Si2 measured with planar microwave resonators and in-situ rotation.
L. Bondorf, M. Beutel, M. Thiemann, M. Dressel, D. Bothner, J. Sichelschmidt, K. Kliemt, C. Krellner, and M. Scheffler.
Physica B: Condensed Matter 536, 331-334 (2018)


Coupling ultracold atoms to a superconducting coplanar waveguide resonator.
H. Hattermann, D. Bothner, L. Y. Ley, B. Ferdinand, D. Wiedmaier, L. Sarkany, R. Kleiner, D. Koelle, and J. Fortagh.
Nature Communications 8, 2254 (2017)

Multi-mode ultra-strong coupling in circuit quantum electrodynamics.
S. J. Bosman, M. F. Gely, V. Singh, A. Bruno, D. Bothner, and G. A. Steele.
NPJ Quantum Information 3, 46 (2017)

Improving Superconducting Resonators in Magnetic Fields by Reduced Field Focussing and Engineered Flux Screening.
D. Bothner, D. Wiedmaier, B. Ferdinand, R. Kleiner, and D. Koelle.
Physical Review Applied 8, 034025 (2017)

Approaching ultrastrong coupling in transmon circuit QED using a high-impedance resonator.
S. J. Bosman*, M. F. Gely*, V. Singh, D. Bothner, A. Castellanos-Gomez, and G. A. Steele.
Physical Review B 95, 224515 (2017)

Convergence of the multimode quantum Rabi model of circuit quantum electrodynamics.
M. F. Gely*, A. Parra-Rodriguez*, D. Bothner, Ya. M. Blanter, S. J. Bosman, E. Solano, and G. A. Steele.
Physical Review B 95, 245115 (2017)


Metallic coplanar resonators optimized for low-temperature measurements.
M. J. Rahim, T. Lehleitner, D. Bothner, C. Krellner, D. Koelle, R. Kleiner, M. Dressel, and M. Scheffler.
Journal of Physics Review D: Applied Physics 49, 395501 (2016)


Observing electron spin resonance between 0.1 and 67 GHz at temperatures between 50 mK and 300 K using broadband metallic coplanar waveguides.
Y. Wiemann, J. Simmendinger, C. Clauss, L. Bogani, D. Bothner, D. Koelle, R. Kleiner, M. Dressel, and M. Scheffler.
Applied Physics Letters 106, 193505 (2015)

Sensitivity of ultracold atoms to quantized flux in a superconducting ring.
P. Weiss, M. Knufinke, S. Bernon, D. Bothner, L. Sarkany, C. Zimmermann, R. Kleiner, D. Koelle, J. Fortagh, and H. Hattermann.
Physical Review Letters 114, 113003 (2015)

On-Chip ESR measurement of DPPH at mK temperatures.
W. Voesch, M. Thiemann, D. Bothner, M. Dressel, and M. Scheffler.
Physics Procedia 75, 503-510 (2015)


Unusual commensurability effects in quasiperiodic pinning arrays induced by local inhomogeneities of the pinning site density.
D. Bothner, R. Seidl, V. R. Misko, R. Kleiner, D. Koelle, and M. Kemmler.
Superconductor Science and Technology 27, 065002 (2014)

Niobium stripline resonators for microwave studies on superconductors.
M. Thiemann, D. Bothner, D. Koelle, R. Kleiner, M. Dressel, and M. Scheffler.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 568, 022043 (2014)


Inductively coupled superconducting half wavelength resonators as persistent current traps for ultracold atoms.
D. Bothner, M. Knufinke, H. Hattermann, R. Wölbing, B. Ferdinand, P. Weiss, S. Bernon, J. Fortagh, D. Koelle, and R. Kleiner.
New Journal of Physics 15, 093024 (2013)

Manipulation and coherence of ultra-cold atoms on a superconducting atom chip.
S. Bernon*, H. Hattermann*, D. Bothner, M. Knufinke, P. Weiss, F. Jessen, D. Cano, M. Kemmler, R. Kleiner, D. Koelle, and J. Fortagh.
Nature Communications 4, 2380 (2013)

Edge superconductivity in Nb thin film microbridges revelaed by electric transport measurements and visualized by scanning laser microscopy.
R. Werner, A. Y. Aladyshkin, I. M. Nefedov, A. V. Putilov, M. Kemmler, D. Bothner, A. Loerincz, K. Ilin, M. Siegel, R. Kleiner, and D. Koelle.
Superconductor Science and Technology 26, 095011 (2013)

Broadband electron spin resonance from 500 MHz to 40 GHz using superconducting coplanar waveguides.
C. Clauss, D. Bothner, D. Koelle, R. Kleiner, L. Bogani, M. Scheffler, and M. Dressel.
Applied Physics Letters 102, 162601 (2013)


Magnetic hysteresis effects in superconducting coplanar microwave resnoators.
D. Bothner, T. Gaber, M. Kemmler, D. Koelle, R. Kleiner, S. Wünsch, and M. Siegel.
Physical Review B 86, 014517 (2012)

The phase boundary of superconducting niobium thin films with antidot arrays fabricated with microsphere photolithography.
D. Bothner, C. Clauss, E. Koroknay, M. Kemmler, T. Gaber, M. Jetter, M. Scheffler, P. Michler, M. Dressel, D. Koelle, and R. Kleiner.
Superconductor Science and Technology 25, 065020 (2012)

Reducing vortex losses in superconducting microwave resonators with microsphere patterned antidot arrays.
D. Bothner, C. Clauss, E. Koroknay, M. Kemmler, T. Gaber, M. Jetter, M. Scheffler, P. Michler, M. Dressel, D. Koelle, and R. Kleiner.
Applied Physics Letters 100, 012601 (2012)

2011 and earlier

Trapped electron coupled to superconducting devices.
P. Bushev, D. Bothner, J. Nagel, M. Kemmler, K. B. Konovalenko, A. Loerincz, K. Ilin, M. Siegel, D. Koelle, R. Kleiner, F. Schmidt-Kaler.
The European Physical Journal D 63, 9-16 (2011)

Improving the performance of superconducting microwave resonators in magnetic fields.
D. Bothner, T. Gaber, M. Kemmler, D. Koelle, and R. Kleiner.
Applied Physics Letters 98, 102504 (2011)

Enhancing the critical current in quasiperiodic pinning arrays below and above the matching flux.
V. R. Misko, D. Bothner, M. Kemmler, R. Kleiner, D. Koelle, F. M. Peeters, F. Nori.
Physical Review B 82, 184512 (2010)

Suppression of dissipation in Nb thin films with triangular antidot arrays by random removal of pinning sites.
M. Kemmler, D. Bothner, K. Ilin, M. Siegel, R. Kleiner, and D. Koelle.
Physical Review B 79, 184509 (2009)