Center for Quantum Science
Talks during Summer Term 2024
The talks will usually be held on Tuesdays at 13:00 s.t. in room D4A19.
To receive seminar announcements, sign up for the cqsspam mailing list.
Date | Speaker | Title of the Talk |
15.10.2024 | Federico Gerbino (Paris-Saclay) | A Dyson Brownian motion model for weak measurements in chaotic quantum systems |
5.11.2024 | Christian Ast, MPI für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart | Sensing New Quantum Limits at the Atomic Scale: from dynamical Coulomb blockade to superconducting quantum interference |
Mi, 13.11.2024 | Kay Brandner (Nottingham) | Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relations for Coherent Transport |
19.11.2024 | Andrea Pizzi (Cambridge) | Quantum scars in many-body systems |
26.11.2024 | Torsten Zache (Innsbruck) | Interfacing magnetism and superconductivity: visualizing interactions from 0D to 2D |
14.01.2025 | Michel Ferrero (Paris) | Pseudogap and correlations in the Hubbard model: a diagrammatic Monte Carlo study |
21.01.2025 | Uwe Fischer (Seoul National University) | Self-Consistent Many-Body Metrology in Ultracold Quantum Gases |
28.01.2025 | Tomislav Piskor und Martin Knufinke (science + computing) | Quantum Computing - What does science + computing Tübingen do |
04.02.2025 | Silke Weinfurtner (Nottingham) | From one to few to many: tracking the formation of a spectral cascade |
Fri, 07.02.2025 | Fabian Grusdt (LMU München) | TBD |
Fri, 14.02.2025 | Jamir Marino (Mainz) | TBD |