For more recent publications see: INSPIRE
1. Single-Pion Production in pp Collisions at 0.95 GeV/c (II)
The COSY-TOF Collaboration, European Physical Journal A39 (2009) 281
2. Two-pion production in proton-proton collisions with a polarized beam
The COSY-TOF Collaboration, European Physical Journal A37 (2008) 267
3. Single pi- production in np collisions for excess energies up to 90 MeV
The COSY-TOF Collaboration, European Physical Journal A36 (2008) 7
4. Analyzing power Ay for omega meson production in proton-proton collisions
The COSY-TOF Collaboration, Physics Letters B662 (2008) 14
5. Improved study of a possible Theta+ production in the pp -> p K0 Sigma+ reaction with the COSY-TOF spectrometer
The COSY-TOF Collaboration, Physics Letters B649 (2007) 252
6. Comparison of isoscalar vector meson production cross sections in proton-proton collisions
The COSY-TOF Collaboration, Physics Letters B647 (2007) 351
7. Single-pion production in pp collisions at 0.95 GeV/c (I)
The COSY-TOF Collaboration, European Physical Journal A30 (2006) 443
8. Study of spectator tagging in the reaction np -> pp pi- with a deuteron beam
The COSY-TOF Collaboration, European Physical Journal A29 (2006) 353
9. Hyperon production in the channel pp -> K+ p Lambda near the reaction threshold
The COSY-TOF Collaboration, Physics Letters B632 (2006) 27
10. Evidence for a narrow resonance at 1530 MeV/c2 in the K0 p - system of the reaction pp -> Sigma+ K0 p from the COSY-TOF experiment
The COSY-TOF Collaboration, Physics Letters B595 (2004) 127
11. Study of the reaction pp -> pp pi0 within 10 MeV above the threshold
The COSY-TOF Collaboration, European Physical Journal A17 (2003) 595
12. Measurement of the eta production in proton-proton collisions with the COSY time-of-flight spectrometer
The COSY-TOF Collaboration, European Physical Journal A16 (2003) 127
13. Production of omega mesons in proton-proton collisions
COSY-TOF Collaboration, Physics Letters B522 (2001) 16
14. Proton Proton Bremsstrahlung at 797 MeV/c
R. Bilger et al., Physics Letters B429 (1998) 195
15. Strangeness Production in the Reaction pp -> pK+Lambda in the Threshold region
R. Bilger et al., Physics Letters B420 (1998) 217