Alte Geschichte

Eugenia Vitello

Hanseatic Visiting Scholar – Doctoral Student


Wilhelmstr. 36, 72074 Tübingen

07071 / 29 78501 (secretary's office)



October 2024 – present
Visiting Scholar

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Fachbereich Geschichtswissenschaft, Seminar für Alte Geschichte

October – December 2023
Tutorial Teacher

Somerville College & St Anne’s College, University of Oxford

January - March 2023
Teaching Assistant

University of Oxford, Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, Faculty of Classics

July 2022 – present
Research Team Member as a resident historian and epigraphist

Aphrodisias Excavations Project, Oxford University and New York University

October 2021 – present
DPhil (PhD) in Ancient History

University of Oxford, Brasenose College (dissertation: “Gendering Wealth. Women and Economic Agency in Roman Asia”)

January 2021
Post-Graduate Advanced Class

"La tarda antichità: metodologia della ricerca II. Fra centro e periferia" in Philology and History of Late Antiquity, Sapienza Università di Roma

December 2020 – May 2021
Research Assistant

Project "Transformationen von Gesellschaft und Landschaft im südlichen Umfeld des Gardasees in römischer Zeit", Universität zu Köln, Historisches Institut, Abteilung für Alte Geschichte

January 2020
Master’s Degree in Classical Philology and Ancient History

Sapienza Università di Roma (dissertation: “I collegia di Hierapolis di Frigia: il fenomeno associativo romano e le sue conseguenze socio-economiche in un contesto urbano d’Asia Minore”)

May 2019 – May 2021
2019 and 2021 Excavation Seasons

Hadrian's Villa with APAHA Digging Project, Columbia University of New York and Sapienza Università di Roma

February – April 2019
Internship Student

Epigraphic Database Rome (EDR) project, Sapienza Università di Roma

September 2018
2018 Excavation Season

Palatine Hill’s North-Eastern Side, Sapienza Università di Roma

December 2017
Bachelor’s Degree in Classics

Sapienza Università di Roma (dissertation: “L'eredità de La Rivoluzione Romana. Ronald Syme in Italia dalla censura fascista ad oggi”)


Research interests

  • Ancient History (esp. Roman to Late Antique)
  • Economic History of the Pre-Modern Mediterranean
  • Urban Economies of Roman Anatolia
  • Social History
  • Material Culture
  • Gender Studies
  • History of Historiography



  • “Late Roman Unguentaria with Monograms from Tetrapylon Street”, in Jacobs I., Aphrodisias XVII. The Tetrapylon Street from Late Antique to Modern Times, Wiesbaden forthcoming [Book Chapter]
  • “The Politics of Syme's Revolution”, in Barja de Quiroga P. L. (ed.), “Elites y Massas”, Revista de Historiografía 40, 2025, forthcoming [Essay – co-authored with F. Santangelo]
  • “Beyond Munificence. Economic Thinking and Financial Transactions in Roman Aphrodisias”, in Journal of European Economic History 53.2, July 2024, pp. 69-103 [Article]
  • “Evergetismo antico e classi subalterne: Un caso di convergenze parallele?”, in Marcone A. (ed.), “Categorie gramsciane e ricerca antichistica”, Quaderni di Rivista Storica Italiana 5, Napoli 2024, pp. 43-58 [Essay]
  • “Review of Emilio Zucchetti & Anna Maria Cimino (eds.), «Antonio Gramsci and the Ancient World»”, in thersites 14, April 2022, pp. 188-196 [Review]
  • “Class and Classics. Historiography, Reception, Challenges: Towards a Democratisation of Classical Studies (Newcastle University, webinar, 31st May-1st June 2021)”, in Bollettino di Studi Latini 51.2, July-December 2021, pp. 610-615 [Conference Report]
  • “Togliatti e la storia di Roma tra interpretazioni gramsciane e falsificazioni fasciste”, in Rivista Storica Italiana 133.1, April 2021, pp. 69-102 [Article]

Presented Papers / Workshops

Presented Papers / Workshops

  • May 2024: Conference Paper: “Women at the Intersection between Production and Euergetism. The Case of Roman Hierapolis” - Workshop “Understanding Ancient Women: New Approaches from Material Texts”, Uniwersytet Warszawski
  • October 2023: Response in a Seminar Cycle: Respondant to J Weisweiler, "Exploitation, élite power and the nature of the late Roman Economy" - Oxford-Princeton Seminar series “Exploitation in the Ancient Mediterranean World”, Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, University of Oxford
  • May 2023: Conference Paper: “Palmiro Togliatti's Attitude towards Ancient History in Politics between Theory and Practice” - Colloquium “The Politics of Classical Scholarship in Twentieth-Century Italy”, Newcastle University
  • April 2023: Conference Paper: “‘If Someone will Act against these Provisions, They will Pay’. Ius Sepulchri in Roman Ephesus: A Case-Study in (Dis)Obedience to the Law” - Oxford-Princeton Annual Graduate Conference “Obedience: Actualities, Limits, Alternatives - Historical Analysis across the Ancient World”, Princeton University
  • October 2022: Seminar: “Portrait of a Benefactress: Attalis Apphion in 1st-century Aphrodisias” - Oxford Ancient History Work in Progress Seminar series, Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, University of Oxford
  • May 2022: Seminar: “Urban Élites and Civic Benefactions: Two Endowment Inscriptions from Hadrianic Aphrodisias” - Oxford Epigraphy Workshop series, Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, University of Oxford
  • January 2021: Conference Paper: “Mare Nostrum. The Political Reuse of the Roman Concept of Natural Imperialistic Expansion in the Italian Historiography under the Fascist Regime” – Oxford-Princeton Annual Graduate Conference “The Natural and Unnatural in the Ancient World”, New College & Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, University of Oxford
  • July 2019: Talk: “‘Storia Romana in Scuola Fascista’: Gramsci, Togliatti, and the Didactics of Ancient History in Italian School” - 2nd Annual Meeting of the Gramsci Research Network, SOAS University of London
  • July 2019: Poster: “‘Storia Romana in Scuola Fascista’: Gramsci, Togliatti, and the Didactics of Ancient History in Italian School” - Fédération Internationale des Associations d'Études Classiques-Classical Association 2019 Annual Conference, University College of London