Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Konferenzen und Workshops


Co-convenor, performer: Lecture performance in and with the forest: “Rights of Nature” and tree-performance traces by artist and dancer Jakob Jautz, collaboration with PerfomEUROPE, Schönbuch forest (Blog Jakob Jautz), 20 and 21 July 2024.

Convenor, moderator, co-presenter: Cine Latino: Rights of Nature Reading and Panel Discussion: Co-reading: ‘Nature has Rights’ with the author and journalist Elisabeth Weydt; and Moderation Panel Discussion ‘Humans and Mountains in Harmony? Change in the Andean Altiplano’ with filmmakers Rodrigo Otero Heraud and Leonardo Barbuy La Torre, Elisabeth Weydt, Alberto Acosta and Fernando Costa, Liquid – Kelter, Tübingen, 4 May 2024 (Link).

Convenor and presenter: Panel ‘Alternatives and Transformative Changes to Global Extractivism’, International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Congress: Reacción y resistencia: Imaginar futuros posibles en las Américas, Bogota, Colombia, 12–15 June 2024.

Co-convenor: Workshop ‘Ethnographic Relations: Power – Responsibility – Affect’ in collaboration with the DVPW Working Group Ethnographic Methods in Political Science, University of Tübingen, 11-12 April 2024.

Convenor: Track D Human Resilience and Climate Justice, 11° German-Brazilian Symposium on Sustainable Development. Towards a Resilient and Safe Future, University of Tübingen, 20-23 March 2024.

Invited lecture: Talk ‘Mediation of Human-Nature Relations’, CIVIS Pluriverse Spring School, Panel Conflict and Mediation, University of Tübingen, 10 April 2024.

Convenor, performer: "Lawyers of nature" The Rights of Nature as a Theatre Performance, collaboration with the Theater of the Anthropocene, Berlin at Landestheater Tübingen, 23 January 2024 (Blog).



Co-convenor, co-moderator, and translator: Book launch and co-translation of “Pluriverse. A Post-Development Dictionary to German with Arturo Escobar and guests, in collaboration with Grupo Sal, 23 January 2024 (Blog).

Convenor: Series of Knowledge Dialogues between Latin America and Europe on the Rights of Nature: ‘1° Water-Ríos-Lagunas-Gewässer’ (4 May 2023. ), ‘2° Mountains-Montañas-Berge’ (June 2024), and ‘3° Forests-Bosques-Sacha-Wälder’ (July 2024) University of Tübingen.

Invited Lecture: RIFS focal topic year 2023 ‘Justice in Sustainabilityon ‘Rights of Nature and their Transformative Potential for more Sustainable Futures? Struggling for Alternatives to Destructive Anthropocentric Development’ RIFS Potdam, 22 May 2023.

Convenor: International Workshop ‘The Transformative Potential of Rights of Nature?’ for indigenous and non-indigenous academics and activists, Institute of Political Science, University of Tübingen, 20 and 21 January 2023. (Report).



Co-convenor: CIVIS Summer School ‘The Pluriverse: Challenges of Post- Developmentalist Thought for Global South Studies‘, University of Tübingen, 26-30 September 2022.

Keynote lecture: ‘Rights of Nature and their Political Potential for more Sustainable Futures’, 10th Brazil Germany Symposium for Sustainable Development: Connecting innovation and sustainability - opportunities and challenges after Covid-19, Niteroi - Rio de Janeiro, 18-20 September 2022.

Inaugural lecture: ‘The Transformative Potential of Rights of Nature: Struggling for Alternatives to Destructive Anthropocentric Development‘ in the Global Encounters Lecture Series, Neue Aula - Großer Senat, University of Tübingen, 26 July 2022.

Paper giver “But we need to arrive at a common understanding… The ontological politics of indigenous prior consultation in the Peruvian Amazon’, Panel ‘Un momento de quiebre en los Andes? Contribuciones para explicar las crisis institucionales’ organizeb by Bettina Schorr (Freie Universität Berlin) and Gerado Damonte (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú), 40th International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) in San Francisco, USA/ online, 5– 8 May 2022.

Discussant: Panel ‘Community, Women and Indigenous Resistance to Extractivism’, organized by Katia Yoza-Mitsuishi (Rutgers University), chair: Diana Córdoba (Assistant Professor, Queen’s University), 40th International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) in San Francisco, USA/ online, 5– 8 May 2022.

Chair: Roundtable ‘Defensores ambientales en la Amazonía peruana: avances y retos’, organized by Rocío Ferreira (DePaul University) and Deborah Delgado (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú), 40th International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) in San Francisco, USA/ online, 5– 8 May 2022.



Invited talk: ‘The Contested Meaning of Prior Consultation and FPIC. Indigenous Grassroots and the Politics of Translating Rights in Struggles over Resources in the Peruvian Amazon‘, Workshop ‘Politics of Indigenous Participatory Rights’, Prof. Martin Papillon, Université de Montréal, Canada, 12 November 2021. (Postponed from 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic).

Paper giver: ‘Between Words and Worlds: Indigenous Interpreters in the “Ontological Politics” of Prior Consultation about Hydrocarbon Extraction in Peruvian Amazonia’, part of the panel ‘One Amazonia, Many Ontologies: Interculturality and Crisis’, 39th International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) in Vancouver, Canada/ online, 26–29 May 2021. (Postponed from 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic)

Session organiser: Panel ‘A Plurality of Practices: Urgent Approaches to Amazonia’, 39th International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) in Vancouver, Canada/ online, 26–29 May 2021.

Invited talk: ‘Las promesas incumplidas de la consulta previa: Pueblos indígenas, desarrollo sostenibel y desigualdades‘, seminar ‘Desarrollo sostenible y desigualdades sociales en la región andina: conceptos, mecanismos y desafios’, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany/ online, 19 January 2021.



Workshop organiser and discussant: Die “Politics of Scale” in der deutschsprachigen Politikwissenschaft, financed by the HSFK/Uni Frankfurt, IFSH, Universität Hamburg und GIGA Hamburg, Germany/ online, 19 and 20 November 2020.

Invited talk: ‘Walking on a Tightrope: Two Perspectives on Consent (FPIC) and Social Cohesion’ with Charlotte Schumann (FU Berlin) at the project workshop ‘Social Cohesion and Tipping Points: Perspectives, Approaches and the Way Forward‘ Workshop PRODIGY project, Friedensakademie Rheinland-Pfalz und Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, 21 August 2020.

Session organiser and paper giver: ‘Between words and worlds: Interpreting in ontological conflicts about forestry legislation and hydrocarbon extraction in the Peruvian Amazon’, part of the co-organised double session ‘Comparative perspective(s) on ontological conflicts in extractivism, conservation and development - Part 1 and 2’ (P003-F1/2) Third Biennial Conference of the Political Ecology Network (POLLEN), Brighton, UK/ online, 24–26 June 2020.

Paper giver ‘The Politics of Translation in Global IR: Lessons from Struggles over Recognition in Latin America’, part of the panel ‘The Contributions of IR Researchers from the Global South’, 61st ISA Annual Convention in Honolulu, Hawaii/ USA, 25–28 March 2020. (Cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic)

Participant in the Conference ‘Translation in/of World Politics: Language, Practices, Power’, Prof. Felix Berenskötter/ BISA Interpretivism in International Relations Working Group, SOAS University of London, UK, 17–18 January 2020.



Invited talk ‘Potentials and Pitfalls of Indigenous FPIC (Free, Prior And Informed Consent)’, part of the COP-Side Event ‘Telling the wood from the trees: Climate change and human rights in forest conservation’, UN Climate Change Conference, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) in Bonn, Germany, 18 June 2019.

Paper giver ‘The Contested Meaning of Prior Consultation and FPIC. Indigenous Grassroots and the Politics of Translating Rights in Struggles over Resources in the Peruvian Amazon’, part of the panel ‘The Politics of FPIC in Latin America: Comparative Perspectives’, 37th International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) in Boston, USA, 24–27 May 2019.



Paper giver ‘Struggling for Alternatives to Resources Extraction:Indigenous Grassroots and Sustainable Development in the Kemito Ene Cooperative of the Asháninka in Peru’, trAndeS Spring School on ‘Social Inequalities and Sustainable Development: Local – National – Global tensions in Andean Territories’ in Lima, Peru, 29 October–02 November 2018.

Paper giver ‘Luchas de pueblos indígenas, académicos y las ‘políticas de la traducción’’, Primer foro de pensamiento crítico, Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO) in Buenos Aires, Argentinien, 19–23 November 2018.

Invited comment on ‘Grounded Normative Theory: Political Theorizing with Those Who Struggle’ by Brooke Ackerly, Luis Cabrera, Fonna Forman, Genevieve Fuji Johnson, Chris Tenove, Antje Wiener; part of the panel ‘The Global IR Project’, General Conference European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) in Hamburg, 22–25 August 2018.

Paper giver ‘Prior Consultation as an Opportunity: Frontier Negotiations, Grassroots Contestation, and Intercultural Politics in Peru’, part of the panel ‘What do contentious politics tell us about power? Resource frontiers and the reconfiguration of society’, 36th International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) in Barcelona, Spain, 26–29 May 2018.



Invited talk ‘Indigenous Environmental Justice and Climate Change in Latin America’ with indigenous leader Ruth Buendía (Central Asháninka del Río Ene–CARE, Peru), Workshop, University of Stockholm, Sweden, 29 November–02 December 2017.

Invited lecture ‘Derechos de Pueblos Indigenas y la Extracción de Recursos en la Amazonía Peruana’ with indigenous leader Ruth Buendía (Central Asháninka del Río Ene–CARE, Peru), Ciclo de conferencia de trAndeS en el semestre de invierno 2017/18: Desigualdades sociales y desarrollo sostenible en la región andina, Freie Universität Berlin, 23 November 2017.

Talk for activists and public ‘Indigene Selbstbestimmung und Fairer Handel – Ruth Buendía zu Gast in der W3’, academic co-presenter, interpreter und moderator,, Werkstatt 3, Hamburg, 20 November 2017.



Session organiser and paper giver ‘Missing the Middle in Prior Consultations: Cultural Differences and the Absence of Intermediaries in the Peruvian Amazon’, part of the co-organised panel ‘Localizing Prior Consultation in the Americas’, IV Biennial Conference of the International Association of Inter-American Studies ‘Human Rights in the Americas’ (IAS) in Santa Barbara, USA, 04–06 October 2016.

Session organiser and paper giver ‘State strategies to undermine community resistance: Analyzing public participation about hydrocarbon projects in the Peruvian Amazon (2007-2012)’, with Dr Almut Schilling-Vacaflor and Anna Hujber, part of the co-organised panel ‘Conflict and Cooptation in Political Ecology. Discursive Strategies and Material Practices within Ecological Struggles in Latin America’, First Bianual Conference of the Political Ecology Network (POLLEN): Political Ecologies of Conflict, Capitalism and Contestation (PE-3C) in Wageningen, Netherlands, 07–09 July 2016.

Paper giver ‘Visibilizing the Roots of Socio-environmental Conflict: A Systematic Analysis of Contention about Hydrocarbon Projects in the Peruvian Amazon” (with Anna Hujber, Universität Hamburg), 34th International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) in New York, USA, 27–30 May 2016.

Paper giver ‘Lost in Translation: Complexities of Intercultural Dialogue and the Absence of Intermediaries in Prior Consultations in the Peruvian Amazon’, Seventh Multidisciplinary Meeting on Indigenous Peoples (EMPI VII) on ‘Indigenous Peoples & Inequalities: Between Socio-Economic Growth and Crisis’ in Mailand, Italy, 12–13 May 2016.

Invited talk ‘Unfullfilled Promises of the Consultation Approach. Limitations to Effective Participation in Peru‘s First Hydrocarbon Consultations’, Seminar ‘America indigena e stati nazionali: temi e problem’ of the International Americanist Association of Italy, Universität Padua, Italy, 11 May 2016.



Paper giver ‘The wrong kind of right? First state-led prior consultations in the Peruvian Amazon from the perspective of critical legal pluralism’, part of the co-organised panel ‘Prior Consultation in Latin America, Rechtsoziologentagung ‘Die Versprechungen des Rechts’, Berlin 09–11 September 2015.

Paper giver ‘Democratizing Natural Resource Governance: Exploring Pitfalls and Potential for Citizen Participation and Prior Consultation in Peru’ (with Ana Estefanía Kim, Ohio State University), Eighth Congress of the Latin-American Association for Political Science (ALACIP) in Lima, Peru 22–24 July 2015.

Organiser and presenter final project workshop DSF project ‘Consultation, Participation and Conflict. A Comparative Study on Bolivia and Peru’ with international participants from academia, indigenous and state entities.

Session organiser and paper giver ‘El derecho controversial de consulta previa. Una perspectiva desde el pluralismo jurídico crítico de las primeras consultas liderados por el Estado en la Amazonía Peruana’, part of the co-organised double panel ‘Mecanismos de participación en la gobernanza ambiental’, 33rd International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) in San Juan, Puerto Rico 27–30 May 2015.

Paper giver ‘Room for diversity? First state-led prior consultations in the Peruvian Amazon from the perspective of critical legal pluralism’, Sixth Multidisciplinary Meeting On Indigenous Peoples (EMPI) on ‘Tensions and opportunities generated by the inter-relation between indigenous and non-indigenous views” in Gent, Belgium, 10–11 June 2015.



Paper giver ‘Challenging the Routine in Peru’s Hydrocarbon Sector – the Potential of Prior Consultations, Indigenous Mobilizations, and Conflicts for Change’, International Conference of the International Sociological Association in Yokohama, Japan, 13–17 July 2014.

Paper giver ‘Konfliktreiche Konsultationen – Die Praxis der ‚consulta previa‘ in den Öl- und Gassektoren Perus und Boliviens’ (with Dr. Almut Schilling-Vacaflor and Dr. Annegret Mähler), Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsche Lateinamerikaforschung (ADLAF) in Berlin, 26–28 June 2014.

Paper giver ‘Understanding the Consultation – Conflict Link. Lessons from Bolivia’s Gas and Oil Sector’ (with Dr. Almut Schilling-Vacaflor), part of the panel ‘Prior Consultations as a Solution to Socio-Environmental Conflicts?’, 32nd International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) in Chicago, USA, 21– 24 May 2014.



Organiser and participant of an international experts’ symposium on prior consultation, VIII. RELAJU Congress 24–26 October 2012 in Sucre, Bolivia, documentation of results for the German Development Agency (GIZ).


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