Prof. Dr. Marie Duboc
Frühere Juniorprofessorin
Akademischer Werdegang
Postdoctoral Research Fellow am Middle East Institute der National University of Singapore.
Gastwissenschaftlerin am St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford.
Doktorandin am CEDEJ, Kairo, Ägypten.
Promotion im Fachbereich Soziologie an der School of Advanced Social Science Studies (EHESS) in Paris.
Thema der Dissertation: „Protests without organizations? Mobilization strategies, casualization and spaces of visibility in textile workers’ strikes in Egypt, 2004-2010”.
Studium der Geschichte (M.A., Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris-1) und Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (M.Sc., London School of Economics).
Soziale Bewegungen und Arbeiterproteste im Vorderen Orient
Politische Ökonomie im Vorderen Orient
Politik des Alltags
- “Where are the Men? Here are the Men and the Women! Surveillance, Gender and Strikes in Egyptian Textile Factories”, Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies, 9:2, Summer 2013, Winner of the 2012 JMEWS Graduate Paper Prize.
- “Challenging the Trade Union, Reclaiming the Nation, the Politics of Labor Protest in Egypt” in M.Kamrava (ed.), Beyond the Arab Spring: The Evolving Ruling Bargain in the Middle East, New York, Columbia University Press/Hurst, 2013.
- “A Workers’ Social Movement on the Margin of the Global Neoliberal Order, Egypt 2004-2012”(with Joel Beinin) in J. Beinin and F. Vairel (eds.), Social Movements, Mobilization andContestation in the Middle East and North Africa, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2nd edition,2013.
- “La contestation sociale en Egypte depuis 2004: entre précarité et mobilisation locale” [Social Protests in Egyptsince 2004: Casualization and Local Mobilizations], Revue Tiers-Monde, April 2011.
- “Egyptian Leftist Intellectuals’ Activism from the Margins: Overcoming theMobilization/Demobilization Dichotomy” in J. Beinin and F. Vairel (eds.), Social Movements,Mobilization and Contestation in the Middle East and North Africa, Stanford, Stanford UniversityPress, 2011.
Vergleichende Analyse politischer Systeme: Developing Countries (WiSe 2016/17)
Middle East Politics and Societies (WiSe 2016/17)
Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements (SoSe 2016)
Middle East Politics and Societies (WiSe 2015/16)
Development Politics and International Cooperation (WiSe 2015/16)
Comparative Approaches to Social Movements (SoSe 2015)
Development Politics and International Cooperation (WiSe 2014/15)
Middle East Politics and Societies (WiSe 2014/15)
Theories of State Formation and Political Regimes (SoSe 2014)
Comparative Politics of the Middle East (SoSe 2014)
Middle East Politics and Societies (WiSe 2013/14)
Comparative Politics: The Middle East and North Africa (WiSe 2013/14)
Social Movements: Concepts and Cases (SoSe 2013)