Internationales Zentrum für Ethik in den Wissenschaften (IZEW)



CfP: Workshop on Hybrid Human Artificial Intelligence

The IZEW-Project WeNet organizes a workshop within the International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence in Munich

The increased exposure to diversity through social media and the Internet has not necessarily come with new instruments and skills to deal with it. To facilitate the discussion on how technological systems can be improved towards empowering richer and deeper social interactions through diversity-aware Artificial Intelligence, we are organizing a workshop on June 26-27, in conjunction with the 2nd International Conference on Hybrid Human Artificial Intelligence (HHAI 2023).

As part of the Diversity-Aware Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence workshop, we are soliciting short papers / extended abstracts on interdisciplinary work with a focus on human involvement and on how to develop meaningful paradigms of AI-enabled human-human interactions, human-AI interactions, and human-centered AI-AI interactions. A non-exhaustive list of relevant disciplines and subdisciplines is: Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Ethics, HCI, Knowledge Representation, Machine Learning, Ontologies, Privacy, Psychology, Social Computing, Social Psychology, Social Sciences (more information here:


A special session will also take place, focusing on empirical work that analyzes data made available as part of a shared task (more information here: 


Submission Information: papers due by May 15th, through EasyChair:


Publication of Workshop papers and Journal Special Issue:

Accepted workshop papers and shared-task papers will be published in the HHAI 2023 CEUR workshop post-proceedings.

Extended versions of selected workshop papers and shared-task papers will be invited to a special issue of AI Communications: The European Journal on AI (more information here:
