Englisches Seminar

Gerhard Stilz, Dr. phil.

Professor of English
University of Tuebingen


Englisches Seminar / Department of English
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Wilhelmstrasse 50
72074 Tübingen

e-Mail: gerhard.stilzspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Hausserstrasse 29


Major Areas of Research, Teaching and Publications:

English Literature from the eighteenth century to the present, with special emphasis on the anglophone literatures and cultures in South Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada; the theory and practice of colonial and postcolonial writing.

Curriculum Vitae:

Date/Place of Birth: 12 November, 1940 / Schnait, Krs.Waiblingen (Germany)

A Education

1947-1952 Primary School: Volksschule Schnait

1952-1960 Secondary School: Gymnasium Waiblingen

1960-1965 Student of English, Geography, German, History, Philosophy at the Universities of Tübingen, Vienna (Austria) und Bangor (Wales)

1965 Staatsexamen in English and Geography

B Academic Career

1966-1967 Graduate Assistant, Department of English, Tübingen University

1967 Ph.D. in English (major); Philosophy, Geography (minor)

1967-1968 Assistant Prof., Department of English, Tübingen University

1968-1970 DAAD-Lecturer and Visiting Associate Professor of German Language, Literature and Culture at the University of Bombay (India), Department of Modern Languages; temporary lecturer at Elphinstone College

1970-1973 Akademischer Rat, Department of English, Tübingen University

1973-1975 Research Fellow, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Project: Anglo-Indian Colonial Literature)

1975-1980 Akademischer Oberrat, English Department, Tübingen University

1977 Habilitation (Venia Legendi for English Philology)

1978-1979 Teaching appointment: Intstitut für Literaturwissenschaft, Stuttgart University

1980- Professor of English, Tübingen University

1981-1983 Visiting Professor, Institut für Literaturwissenschaft (English Literature), University of Stuttgart

1986 (February-June) Visiting Professor, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, U.S.A.

1991 (July-December) Visiting Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, University of Adelaide, Australia

1992 (February-April) Visiting Professor, School of the Arts and Sciences, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, U.S.A.

1995 Invited as a visiting professor to Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India

1995-1996 Offered the Chair of Anglistik/Literaturwissenschaft Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Wittenberg

1.4.1995 - 31.3.1996 Visiting Professor in Halle presently Professor of English, Universität Tübingen (retired since 2006)


I. Editorial activities

1. Grundlagen zur Literatur in englischer Sprache (series of readers on the “New Literatures in English”). München: Fink, 1982-1986, 3 vols.

2. German-Australian Studies / Deutsch-Australische Studien (monograph series): Editorial Board since 1989: Bern: Peter Lang, 18 vols to date.

3. ZAA: Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik: A Quarterly of Language, Literature, Culture. Editor since 1991, Executive editor 1995-2004.

4. ZAA Studies (monograph series). Executive editor. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 1997-2004, 20 vols.

5. ZAA Monograph Series. Executive editor since 2004. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 13 vols to date.

6. Koalas: Schriftenreihe der Gesellschaft für Australienstudien. Managing editor since 1997. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 9 vols to date.

7. Postcolonial Literatures in English: Sources and Resources. Co-editor since 2009. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2 vols to date.

II. Books

1. Die Darstellung und Funktion des Tieres in der englischen Lyrik des 20. Jahrhunderts. Diss. Tübingen 1967, München: Réssy, 1968. 200pp.

2. Die Anglo-Indische Short Story: Geschichte einer Kolonialliteratur, Studien zur Englischen Philologie, Bd. 21. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1980. VIII, 351pp.

3. Drama im Commonwealth, ed. Beiträge zum Symposium Commonwealth-Literatur in Deutschland, Oberjoch 1980. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 1981. 154pp.

4. Indien. Grundlagen zur Literatur in englischer Sprache, Bd.4. München: Fink, 1982. 195pp.

5. Naturalismus in England, 1880-1920, Texte zur Forschung, mit einer Einleitung hrsg. gemeinsam mit W. Greiner. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1983. 314pp.

6. Australienstudien: Grundlagen und Perspektiven, Hrsg. gemeinsam mit Heinrich Lamping. Bern: Peter Lang, 1990. 245 pp.

7. Mensch und Natur in Australien, ed. Bern: Peter Lang, 1991. 247 pp.

8. Australien zwischen Europa und Asien. Hrsg. gemeinsam mit Rudolf Bader. Bern: Peter Lang, 1993. 172 pp.

9. Australienreisen - Von der Expedition zum Tourismus, ed. Bern: Peter Lang, 1995), 298 pp.

10. Gold - Geld - Geltung: Ressourcen und Ziele der australischen Gesellschaft. ed. Koalas, vol 1. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 1997. 228 pp.

11. Colonies, Missions, Cultures in the English-Speaking World: Genral and Compara­ tive Studies. ed. ZAA Studies vol. 12. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2001. 486 pp.

12. Missions of Interdependence: A Literary Directory (ed.), Cross/Cultures 58, ASNEL Papers 6. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2002. xvii + 424 pp.

13. Territorial Terrors: Contested Spaces in Colonial and Postcolonial Writing. ed. ZAA Monograph Series, vol. 7. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2006. 332 pp.

14. South Asian Literatures (co-ed. with Ellen Dengel-Janic), Postcolonial Literatures in English: Sources and Resources, vol 1. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2010. viii + 256 pp.

15. Württemberg in den 30er Jahren: Eine fotographische Rundreise mit historischen Aufnahmen von Ernst Schiller. Tübingen: Silberburg-Verlag, 2010. 100 pp.

III. Articles in Journals and Books

1. “Lenz und Liebesleid – ein indo-europäischer Topos?” Osmania German Annual (Hyderabad, India), 5 (1968). 14-22.

2. “Bombay and Max Dauthendey: An Inspiring City and a Poet’s Imagination.” Bombay and the Germans, ed. W. Leifer. Bombay: Shakuntala Publishing House, 1975. 188-203.

3. “George Bernard Shaws Bühnenanweisungen als provokative Partitur.” Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, 12 (1979). 99-117.

4. “Naturalistisches Drama und bürgerlich-reformerischer Kompromiß: John Gals­worthys Justice.” DVjs, 54 (1980), 564-580.

5. “Indien.” Commonwealth-Literatur, ed. Jürgen Schäfer. Studienreihe Englisch, Bd.43. Düsseldorf: Bagel, 1981. 174-194, 227-232.

6. “Das englische Drama Indiens: Ein Überblick.” Drama im Commonwealth, ed. Gerhard Stilz. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 1981. 103-112, 145-147.

7. “Kipling heute: Forschungsbericht 1970-1979.” Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, Jg. 134, Bd. 219 (1982), 119-140.

8. “Indian Poetry in English (1830-1980): Five Generations of Teachers.” Voices from Distant Lands: Poetry from the Commonwealth, ed. Konrad Groß & Wolfgang Klooss. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1983. 116-129. Rpt. in: The Indian P.E.N. (Bombay), 47, No.2 (March-April 1985), 1-5; No.3 (May-June 1985), 8-13.

9. “Byrons Manfred und die romantische Subjekt-Objekt-Problematik.” Byron-Symposium Mannheim 1982, ed. Werner Huber & Rainer Schöwerling. Paderborn: Universität-Gesamthochschule, 1983. 13-29.

10. “Englische Literatur Indiens: Ausgewählte Neuerscheinungen 1978-1982.” ACOLIT, ed. Dieter Riemenschneider, Institut für England- und Amerikastudien, Universität Frankfurt, 13 (1983), 16-23.

11. “Indian Autobiography in English: Nehru and Anand, for instance.” Autobiographical and Biographical Writing in the Commonwealth, ed. Doireann MacDermott. Sabadell, Barcelona: Editorial AUSA, 1984. 209-213.

12. “Kreative Kreuzigung: Zur Kunst der Naturdichtung bei D.H. Lawrence.” Englische und amerikanische Naturdichtung im 20. Jahrhundert, ed. Günter Ahrends & Hans Ulrich Seeber. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 1985. 69-80.

13. “Erzählung im Zwielicht: Wirklichkeitsbegriff und Schauergeschichte im 19. Jahrhundert.” Anglistentag 1984 Passau, ed. Manfred Pfister. Gießen: Hoffmann, 1985. 308-319.

14. “Kipling's Visit and the Early Reception of His Books in Australia (1889-1900).” Australian Literary Studies (St.Lucia, Qld.), 12, No.1 (1985), 105-115.

15. “Plain Tales Before Kipling: Anglo-Indian Short Prose of the 1830s.” The Story Must Be Told: Short Narrative Prose in the New English Literatures, ed. Peter O. Stummer. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1986. 88-98.

16. “Englische Literatur Indiens: Ausgewählte Neuerscheinungen 1983-1985.” ACOLIT, 18 (1986), 11-20.

17. “Commonwealth Literature at School – or: Can Intercultural Competence Be Taught?” Literature in English: New Territories, ed. Albert-Reiner Glaap. Anglistik und Englischunterricht, Bd. 33. Heidelberg: Winter, 1987. 101-106.

18. “Resisting the ‘Second Emigration’: German-Canadian Writers in a Multicultural Context.” Cross-Cultural Studies: American, Canadian and European Literatures 1945-1985, ed. Mirko Jurak. Ljubljana: Univ. Edvarda Kardelj, 1988. 353-361.

19. 22 entries (especially on Australian and New Zealand authors) in: Lexikon der Weltliteratur, Bd. I: Autoren, ed. Gero v. Wilpert. Stuttgart: Alfred Kröner Verlag, dritte Auflage 1988.

20. “‘Live in Fragments No Longer’: A Conciliatory Analysis of Ahmed Ali’s Twilight.” The Journal of Indian Writing in English (Gulbarga, India), 16, No.2 (1988), 69-88. Rpt. in Crisis and Creativity in the New Literatures in English, ed. Geoffrey Davis and Hena Maes-Jelinek. Cross/Cultures 1. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1990. 369-387.

21. “Commonwealth Studies in German-Speaking Countries 1977-1987: A Tour of New Horizons.” Critical Approaches to the New Literatures in English, ed. Dieter Riemenschneider. Essen: Die Blaue Eule, 1989. 13-31.

22. Several entries in Harenbergs Lexikon der Weltliteratur, such as “Anglo-indische Literatur.” Dortmund: Harenberg, 1989.

23. “‘Offensively Australian’: The International Character of Australian Literary Nationalism in the 1880s and 1890s.” Anglistentag 1988 Göttingen: Vorträge, ed. Heinz-Joachim Müllenbrock und Renate Noll-Wiemann. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1989. 87-101.

24. “Commonwealth-Literature: The State of Affairs in Germany.” A Shaping of Connections: Commonwealth Literature Studies - Then and Now, ed. Hena Maes-Jelinek, Kirsten Holst Petersen and Anna Rutherford. Sydney: Dangaroo Press, 1989. 25-30.

25. “Australian Studies: Modelle und Orientierungspunkte für interdisziplinäre Regional-studien.” Australienstudien in Deutschland: Grundlagen und Perspektiven, ed. Gerhard Stilz & Heinrich Lamping. Bern, Frankfurt: Lang, 1990. 1-21.

26. “The South Within: Kath Walker’s Black Australian Poetry.” Tensions Between North and South: Studies in Modern Commonwealth Literature and Culture, ed. Edith Mettke. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1990. 172-178.

27. “Nationalism before Nationhood: Overseas Horizons in Debates of the 1880s.” Australian Literary Studies, 14 (1990). 476-488.

28. “Die neuen englischsprachigen Literaturen in Forschung und Lehre: Vorbemerkungen”; “Tendenzen, Desiderate und Probleme der Forschung im Bereich der neuen englischsprachigen Literaturen an Universitäten im deutschen Sprachraum: Einführendes Statement”; “Erfahrungsberichte und Perspektiven: Interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit: Australien.” Mediating Cultures – Probleme des Kulturtransfers, ed. Norbert Platz. Essen: Die Blaue Eule, 1991. 147-153; 193-196.

29. “International English Studies.” Forum Anglistentag Marburg 1990, ed. Claus Uhlig, Rüdiger Zimmermann. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1991. 29-35.

30. “Multikulturalität: Grundprobleme und Perspektiven einer internationalen Anglistik.” Mitteilungen des Verbandes deutscher Anglisten, 2 (1991). 30-40.

31. “Topographies of the Self, or: Coming to Terms with the Australian Landscape in Contemporary Australian Poetry.” Regionalität, Nationalität und Internationalität in der zeitgenössischen Lyrik, ed. L. Fietz, H.W. Ludwig und P. Hoffmann. Tübingen: Attempto, 1992. 146-167. Revised version in: European Perspectives: Contemporary Essays on Australian Literature, ed. Giovanna Capone et al. Brisbane: University of Queensland Press, 1991. 55-72. Deutsche Fassung: “Topographie und Indentität: Zeitgenössische australische Dichter auf Orientierungssuche in einer sperrigen Landschaft.” Mensch und Natur in Australien, ed. Gerhard Stilz, German-Australian Studies, vol. 4. Bern: Lang, 1991. 139-161.

32. “Robbers, Borderers, Millers and Men: Englische Räuberstücke zwischen Revolu­tionstragödie und Melodramatischer Restauration.” DVjs, 65 (1991). 117-131.

33. “The Use of a Mother Tongue: German-Canadian Poetry in Multicultural Canada.” Twenty Years of Multiculturalism: Successes and Failures, ed. Stella Hryniuk. Winnipeg, Manitoba: St. John's College Press, 1992. 133-148.

34. “Any Business of Ours? – Some German Reflections on the Purposes and Priorities of Studying the New Literatures in English.” Imagination and the Creative Impulse in the New Literatures in English, ed. Maria-Teresa Bindella and Geoffrey V. Davis. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1993. 25-32.

35. 13 entries in Lexikon der Weltliteratur: Werke, ed. Gero von Wilpert (Stuttgart: Kröner, 1993).

36. “Placing Novelty: ‘Innovation’ as a Literary Criterion and the Rise of the ‘New English Literatures.’” Commonwealth Literary Cultures: New Voices, New Approaches, ed. Giovanna Capone, Claudio Gorlier and Bernard Hickey. Lecce: Editioni del Grifo, 1993. 627-643.

37. “Naturalism and the Irish Theatre at the Turn of the Century.” ‘Standing in their shifts itself’: Irish Drama from Farquhar to Friel, ed. Eberhard Bort. European Library of Irish Studies, vol.1. Bremen: European Society for Irish Studies, 1993). 71-87.

38. “Sean O'Casey, The Silver Tassie (1928): An Expressionist Quest in a Shattered Reality.” ‘Standing in their shifts itself’: Irish Drama from Farquhar to Friel, ed. Eberhard Bort. European Library of Irish Studies, vol.1. Bremen: European Society for Irish Studies, 1993).105-124.

39. “Australische Kunst: Eine Auswahl von Überblicksdarstellungen.” Gesellschaft für Australienstudien: Newsletter 7 (1993). 30-34.

40. “R.K. Narayan, ‘A Horse and Two Goats’: Indian English Literature and the Intercultural Paradox.” New Literatures in English, ed. A.-R. Glaap. Paderborn: Schöning, 1994. 29-34 & “Teacher's Book” 23-32.

41. “Australian Studies in Germany and the German Association for Australian Studies.” Hungarian Studies in English, ed. Zoltán Abádi-Nagy. Debrecen: Lajos Kossuth University, 1994. 65-69.

42. “English Language and Literature in India: An Introduction.” Anglistentag 1993: Eichstätt, ed. Günther Blaicher. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1994. 135-139.

43. “[Indian Writing in English Today:] An Interview with Meenakshi Mukherjee.” Anglistik: Organ des Verbands deutscher Anglisten, 5: 1 (1994). 35-42.

44. “Die anglophone Literatur Indiens.” Handbuch Englisch als Fremdsprache, hrsg. R. Ahrens, W.-D- Bald, W. Hüllen. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1995. 471-476.

45. “German-Australian Academic Relations Since 1945: Achievements and Desiderata from a European Perspective.” German-Australian Cultural Relations Since 1945, ed. Manfred Jurgensen. Bern: Lang, 1995. 154-176.

46. “Experiments in Squaring the Ellipsis: A Critical Reading of the Autobiographies of Gandhi, Nehru, Chaudhuri and Anand.” New Perspectives in Indian Literature in English, Essays in Honour of M.K. Naik, ed. C.R. Yaravintelimath et al. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers, 1995. 162-176.

47. “Reisen – wozu? Australien in der touristischen Rhetorik.” Australienreisen – von der Expedition zum Tourismus, ed. Gerhard Stilz. Bern: Lang, 1995. 1-20.

48. “Ethnic Australia and the Migrant Experience.” Ethnic Literature and Culture in the USA, Canada, and Australia, ed. Igor Maver. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1996. 275-286.

49. “Return to the Jungle? Colonial and Post-Colonial Landscapes in Indian-English Literature.” A Talent(ed) Digger, ed. Hena Maes-Jelinek et al. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1996. 324-336.

50. “Welcome Address: Hochschulstudium in Australien.” Gesellschaft für Australienstudien: Newsletter 10 (1996). 99-104.

51. “Concordia Discors: Frames, Strategies and Dispositions of Eighteenth-Century English Realism.” Entwicklungslinien: 120 Jahre Anglistik in Halle, Hrsg. Wolf Kindermann. Hamburg: Lit Verlag, 1997. 13-31.

52. “Continental Discontents: Central European Constructions of World Literature in English.” Anglistik: Mitteilungen des Verbandes deutscher Anglisten, ed. R. Ahrens, 8:2 (1997), 133-145. Revised version in: Antipodes: A North American Journal of Australian Literature, ed. Robert Ross (June 1998), 41-45; augmented version in: New Literatures in English: Prospects and Retrospects, ed. Frank Schulze-Engler. ACOLIT Special Issue No. 4, 25-43.

53. “Gold – Geld – Geltung: Vorbemerkungen zu einer fragwürdigen Sequenz.” Gold - Geld - Geltung: Ressourcen und Ziele der australischen Gesellschaft, ed. Gerhard Stilz. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 1997. 9-16.

54. “‘Truth? Hell, you will get contrast, and no mistake!’ Sanitizing the intercultural polylemma in G.V. Desani's All About H. Hatterr (1948/72).” Hybridity, Postcolonialism, and Modern Indian Literature, ed. Monika Fludernik. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 1997. 79-101. Rpt. Jaipur (India) et al.: Rawat, 2006.

55. “Mimicry – Hybridity – Identity: The Creative Encounter Between the Other and the Self.” Making Sense of Self and Other, ed. Jana Gohrisch et al. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 1999. 75-104.

56. “English Naturalism in the Province: The ‘Politics’ of the ‘Manchester School’ and Stanley Houghton’s Hindle Wakes.” Twentieth-Century Theatre and Drama in English ed. Jürgen Kamm. Trier: WVT, 1999. 115-134.

57. “Australia’s Image in Germany in the Digital Age.” Gesellschaft für Australienstudien: Newsletter 13 (1999). 51-56. German version: “Das Australienbild der Deutschen im digitalen Zeitalter.” Deutsche Welle – Medien International 8/99, 24. Februar 1999, 22-26.

58. “Dimensions of Identity Formation in the New English Literatures.” Anglistentag 1999 Mainz, ed. Bernhard Reitz. Trier: WVT, 2000. 289-299.

59. “Mimicry – Hybridity – Identity: The Creative Encounter Between the Other and the Self in Indian English Poetry” (abridged version of No. 55) in: Journal of Literature and Aesthetics, ed. S. Sreenivasan. Kollam (Kerala, India), 8 (January-June 2000). 7-15.

60. “Australia’s Cultures: A Literary Approach, or: Teaching Literary Topography.” Australian Studies: A Topic for Tertiary Education? ed. Gerhard Leitner and Bruce Bennett. Berlin: Berliner Debatte Wissenschaftsverlag, 2000. 19-28.

61. “‘Walking Unpunished Under Palm-Trees’? Transformations of the Colonial Tropical Landscape in South-Asian Post-Colonial Literature.” Perspectives on Post-Colonial Literature, ed. D.C.R.A. Goonetilleke. London: Skoob, 2001. 149-166.

62. “Introduction – ‘London: Multiculturalism and the Metropolis.’” Anglistentag 2000 Berlin, ed. Peter Lucko, Jürgen Schlaeger. Trier: WVT, 2001. 77-80 + ed. Section II, p. 75-183.

63. “‘Homo alter et idem’: Questioned Identities in Colonial and Postcolonial Writing.” Adventures of Identity: European Multicultural Experiences and Perspectives. Tuebingen: Stauffenburg, 2002. 9-25. [augmented version of 58]

64. “Heroic Travellers, Romantic Landscapes: The Colonial Sublime in Indian, Australian and American Art and Literature,” The Making of Modern Tourism: The Cultural History of the British Experience, ed. Hartmut Berghoff et al. London: Palgrave, 2002. 85-108.

65. “Deutsche Immigrantenliteratur in Kanada,” Cultural Encounters in the New World: Literatur- und kulturwissenschaftliche Beiträge zu kulturellen Begegnungen in der neuen Welt, eds. Harald Zapf und Klaus Lösch. Mannheimer Beiträge zur Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2003. 151-183.

66. [joint authorship with Karen Rehberger:] “Postkoloniale Literaturtheorie,” Literaturwissenschaft in Theorie und Praxis: Eine anglistisch-amerikanistische Einführung. Narr Studienbücher. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2003. 141-162.

67. “Bard Meets Procrustes: Poetic Imagination versus Technological Perfection in Henry Irving’s Shakespeare (1870-1900). ZAA 51 (2003), 386-399.

68. “‘Homo alter et idem’: Das Fremde in uns selbst: Dimensionen der Identitätsbildung,” Wir und das Fremde, ed. Philipp Wolf und Stefanie Rück. Münster: Lit, 2004. 73-87.

69. “Deutsch-Australische Hochschulbeziehungen: Hintergründe und aktuelle Heraus­forderungen.” GAST Newsletter 18 (2004). 95-103.

70. “Buds or Leaves? The Moral and Aesthetic Dialectics of South Asian Tea Plantations in Colonial and Postcolonial Writing.” Ebony, Ivory & Tea, ed. Zbigniew Bialas and Krzysztof Kowalczyk-Twarowski. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersitetu Slaskiego, 2004. 102-119.

71. c. seventy contributions (c. 30 new, c. 40 revised articles) in: Lexikon der Weltliteratur, ed. Gero von Wilpert, 4. Aufl. Stuttgart: Kröner, 2004.

72. “Geschichte der Gesellschaft für Australienstudien: Die Jahre 1996-1999.” Zeitschrift für Australienstudien 20 (2006). 72-78.

73. “Widerstand und Versöhnung: Von der Theorie zur Praxis.” Zwischen Kontakt und Konflikt: Perspektiven der Postkolonialismus-Forschung, ed. Gisela Febel et al. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2006. 51-62.

74. “Australia – the Space that Is Not One: A Literary Approximation.” Australia: Making Space Meaningful, ed. Gerd Dose. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2006. 29-46.

75. “Why Travel to Australia, or: Who Cares for Whom in Tourism? – The Rhetoric of the Antipodean Tour.” Australia – Who Cares? ed. David Callahan. Perth, WA: Network Books, 2007. 271-281.

76. “Territorial Terrors: Home to Cosmopolis.” Territorial Terrors: Contested Spaces in Colonial and Postcolonial Writing, ed. Gerhard Stilz. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2007. 1-21.

77. “Friends, Indigenes and Others: A German Interjection.” Indigeneity: Culture and Representation. New Delhi: BlackSwan, 2009. 12-28.

78. “Territorial Terrors: Colonial Spaces and Postcolonial Revisions.” Shared Waters: Soundings in Postcolonial Literatures, ed. Stella Borg Barthet. Amsterdam - New York: Rodopi, 2009. 51-60. [Brief version of No. 76]

79. “Indigenes, Migrants and Others – A Selfish Inquest.” Anglistentag 2008 Tübingen, ed. Lars Eckstein and Christoph Reinfandt. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009. 279-290.

80. “Transferries: Three Interpertinental Quartets for Kurt Kohn.” Dimensionen der Zweitsprachenforschung, ed. Michaela Albl-Mikasa, Sabine Braun, Sylvia Kalina. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2010. 241-252.

81. “An Introduction to Australian Literature.” Australien: Facetten eines Kontinents, ed. Ulrike Altendorf und Liesel Hermes. Tübingen: Stauffenburg: 2010. 169-196

82. “Can Intercultural Competence Be Taught? – Forty Years of Mediating Literature Between India and Germany.” Communication over Boundaries – Kommunikation über Grenzen, ed. Niteen Gupte and Waltraud Caspar-Hehne. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag, forthcoming.

83. “Naturalist Drama – ‘Problem Plays’ or ‘Plays of Ideas’? Bernard Shaw’s Mrs Warren’s Profession and John Galsworthy’s Justice.” A History of British Drama, ed. Sibylle Baumbach et al. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, forthcoming.

IV c. 20 Reviews in refereed journals

Professional Activities

I. Member/Chairman in Learned Societies

1. Anglistentag (member) + ESSE (member)

2. European Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies [EACLALS] (President 1999-2002)

3. Deutsch-Indische Gesellschaft, Stuttgart (member)

4. Gesellschaft für englische Romantik, Mannheim (founding member)

5. Gesellschaft für Australienstudien / Association for Australian Studies (founding member, 1989; President February 1993 - February 1996)

6. Gesellschaft für die Neuen Englischsprachigen Literaturen / Association for the New English Literatures [GNEL/ASNEL] (founding member, executive board, acting chairman 1989/90)

7. European Association for Studies on Australia [EASA] (member)

8. Modern Language Association, New York [MLA] (member 1996-2006)

II. Consultancies/Juries

1. Frankfurt Book Fair (“India” 1986)

2. Thyssen Stiftung (occasional consultant/referee)

3. VW-Stiftung (occasional consultant/referee)

4. Humboldt Foundation (occasional consultant/referee)

5. External examiner of several Indian and Australian M.A. and Ph.D. dissertations

6. External consultant in matters of academic promotion, such as:

7. Comparative evaluations in the context of restructuring East German universities

8. FFW (Fond zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Wien)

9. DFG (elected deputy consultant for English Literature 1996-1999)

10. Dissertation prize Anglistentag 1996

11. Association for the Study of the New Literatures in English: Editorial Advisor

12. Heisenberg Scholarships (occasional referee)

13. Gesellschaft für Australienstudien / Association for Australian Studies:

14. Hochschulrektorenkonferenz: consultant on German-Australian academic relations (2004)

15. Baden-Württemberg International: consultant India (2006)

III. Conferences organized/co-organized

1. 26-29 June 1980: “Drama im Commonwealth.” Oberjoch (proceedings published).

2. 28-30 October 1988: “Australienstudien in Deutschland.” Blaubeuren (proceedings published).

3. 2-3 July 1990: DFG-Kolloquium “Multikulturalismus in der englischsprachigen Welt.” Bonn.

4. 1-4 October 1990: “Mensch und Natur in Australien.” Oberjoch (proceedings published).

5. 29-30 September 1993: “The Decolonized Muse: English Literature in India.” Berlin, Haus der Kulturen der Welt: conceptualization, lectures, translations.

6. 16-19 October 1994: “Australienreisen: Von der Expedition zum Tourismus.” Blaubeuren (proceedings published).

7. 23-25 June 1995: “Nationale Einheit - Kulturelle Vielfalt: Australian Multiculturalism.” Potsdam-Babelsberg: Truman-Villa.

8. 3-6 October 1996: “Gold – Geld – Geltung: Ressourcen und Ziele der australischen Gesellschaft.” Schloß Hohentübingen (proceedings published).

9. 6-11 April 1999: “Colonies, Missions, Cultures in the English-Speaking World: Dependence, Independence and Interdependence at the Threshold of the Twenty-First Century.” EACLALS Triennial conference, ASNEL meeting, Tübingen, sel. essays published in 2 vols.

10. 21-27 March 2002: “Bodies and Voices”: EACLALS Triennial Conference, University of Copenhagen. EACLALS chair.

11. 30 May – 6 June and 29 Sept – 4 October 2005: "Territorial Terrors: Contested Spaces in Colonial and Postcolonial Writing", Transatlantic Graduate Seminars Univ. of Tuebingen / Univ. of Maryland (proceedings published).

12. 26-30 April 2011: “Under Construction: Gateways and Walls,” EACLALS Triennial Conference, Bogazici University Istanbul; member of the conference planning committee.


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