Orient- und Islamwissenschaft

Course Catalogue

The department of Oriental and Islamic Studies offers a wide range of courses in English for students pursuing the M.A. program Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies. See below for a sample of courses each semester. Other degree programs at the University of Tübingen are also accessible to our M.A. students to diversify their studies (see Seminars outside the Core Curriculum below).

2023 Summer Term

Traditional Sciences on the Indian Subcontinent

Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Exercise

Dr. Sardar Monday, 10 am

Religion and Nature: Environment in Arabic Sources

Center for Islamic Theology, Advanced Seminar

Prof. Demiri,

Prof. Forster

Thursday, 10 am

Golden 20s in Cairo

Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Advanced Seminar

Prof. Forster Thursday, 12 pm

Readings in Islamic intellectual history

("Textlektüre Islamische Geistesgeschichte")

Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Exercise

Prof. Eichner Thursday, 4 pm

Arabic travel literature

Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Exercise

Dr. Müller Friday, 12 and 2 pm
Additional courses will be added as the departments' summer programs are published.

2022/3 Winter term

Teaching Nature - Nature's Teaching. Aesthetics and Didactics of Nature in Transcultural Perspective

Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Advanced Seminar

Prof. Forster,

Jan Stellmann (M.A.)

Thursday, 2 pm

Political Economy of the Middle East

CMEPS, Advanced Seminar or Exercise

Prof. Schlumberger Monday, 2 pm

The Quran and Judaism

Jewish Studies, Lecture (as Advanced Seminar/Exercise)

Prof. Zellentin Thursday, 10 am

Middle East Politics and Society

CMEPS, Advanced Seminar or Exercise

Prof. Schlumberger Thursday, 4 pm

2022 Summer Term

Reading Arabic Media

Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Exercise

Attoura (M.A.)


Tuesday, 2 pm

Islamicate Intellectual History

Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Exercise

Prof. Eichner


Wednesday, 4 pm

The Other Voice. Female Writers from Palestine

Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Advanced Seminar

Prof. Forster Friday, 10 am

Seminars outside the Core Curriculum

(contact instructors for admission)

Cultures of the Global South

Social and Cultural Anthropology

Courses in English (interdisciplinary)

Language courses

German Language courses