Susanne Zabel

Interfaculty Institute for Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics (IBMI)
Faculty of Science, University of Tübingen
Sand 14
D-72076 Tübingen
Phone: +49-7071-29 70448
E-mail: susanne.zabel[at]

Research topics

  1. Uncertainty in Dimensionality Reduction
    • VIPurPCA: Visualizing and Propagating Uncertainty in Principal Component Analysis
    • Missing data in ancient genotype representations and their effect on the PCA embedding (in progress)
    • Uncertainty analysis for t-SNE (in progress)
  2. Phylogeny & Taxonomy
  3. Tübingen AI training centrum for medicine
    • Development and implementation of a AI curriculum for medicine and medicine related life sciences students (Project homepage)


Short Biography

  • since 2022: Research Assistant University of Tübingen, funded by TüKITZMed 
  • 2018 - 2022: Research Assistant University of Tübingen, funded by the Cluster of Excellence – Machine Learning for Science
  • 2015 - 2018: Bioinformatics M.Sc. University of Tübingen 
  • 2011 - 2014: Biochemistry B.Sc. University of Tübingen

Teaching Assistance

Winter 23/24 Expression Bioinformatics
Summer 22 Practical Transcriptomics
Winter 21/22 Seminar Bioinformatics and Machine Learning
Summer 21 Teamprojekt "Didaktische step-by-step
Visualisierung von distanzbasierten Phylogeniemethoden"
Winter 20/21 Expression Bioinformatics
Summer 20 Teamprojekt "Entwicklung eines Phylogenie Spiels"
Winter 19/20 Sequence Bioinformatics
Summer 19

Grundlagen der Bioinformatik  & Practical Transcriptomics

Winter 18/19



see here for Google scholar profile