Algorithmen der Bioinformatik


Actively supported tools

  • CatReNet: Interactive analysis of autocatalytic reaction networks
  • CrossClassify: Mapping between different taxonomic classifications
  • DeepToA: Deep-learning prediction of theatre of activity
  • Dendroscope: An interactive viewer for large phylogenetic trees
  • DIAMOND: Fast and sensitive protein alignment (20,000x BLASTX)
  • MAIRA: Real-time taxonomic and functional analysis of long reads on a laptop
  • MALT: MEGAN alignment tool
  • MEGAN6: Interactive exploration and analysis of large-scale microbiome sequencing data
  • MuLan-Methyl - Multiple transformer-based language models for accurate DNA methylation prediction
  • PhyloSketch: Interactive construction of rooted phylogenetic trees and networks
  • PLaBAse: Web resource of plant-associated bacteria and annotation services of their plant interaction factors and plant growth-promoting traits
  • SplitsTree4: Phylogenetic trees and networks
  • Tegula: Periodic tilings of the sphere, plane and hyperbolic plane

Coming soon

  • SplitsTreeCE: New Communty Edition of SplitsTree - under development

Unsupported tools

  • CrossLink: Sequence relationships between (micro) RNAs
  • Darwin Rocks! Evolution of music
  • Ella: Fast alignment of DNA reads on a laptop or desktop
  • LOCAS: Low-coverage short-read assembler
  • MEGAN5: Metagenome analysis. Old version of MEGAN software
  • MEGAN4: Old version of MEGAN software
  • Metasim: Sequencing simulator for genomes and metagenomes
  • microHARVESTER: microRNA predictor
  • NRPSpredictor: Specificity Prediction of Adenylation domains in NRPS
  • OSLay: Optimal Syntenic layout of unfinished assemblies
  • PAT: Protein alignment tool
  • PAUDA: Poor man's BLASTX
  • ReadSim: Sequencing simulator
  • 2dTiler: Periodic tilings of the plane, sphere and hyperbolic plane


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